Are you looking for a natural face clean-up at home? Then try the most valued Multani Mitti, the Mother Nature’s gift to cure all types of skin woes.Homemade Multani Mitti

Multani mitti or Fuller’s earth comes with amazing cleansing properties loaded with skin care component - aluminuim silicate, making your skin look radiant, supple and smooth.

It helps in cleansing oil, dirt and dead cells accumulated on the skin that are caused due to suntan and pollution.

Oily skin


½   cup multani mitti

2 tbsp rose water


Blend multani mitti and rose water till they form a fine paste.

Apply pack on your face evenly and let it stay for 15-20 minutes.

Let it dry completely and wash it with cold water.

Repeat this process at least 2- 3 times in a week for best results.

How It Works?

This face pack balances the skin’s pH level, hydrates the skin, revives and lowers oiliness. In addition, it also removes the dead skin, making your skin look radiant and glow naturally.

Dry Skin


1 tbsp multani mitti

1 tbsp honey

1 tbsp papaya pulp


In a bowl mix all the ingredients to form a fine paste.

Wash your face and then apply this pack evenly, let it stay for 15 minutes.

Wash your face once it is dried completely, repeat this process for 2-3 times in a week to get a perfect radiant skin.

How It Works?

Papaya pulp has skin lightening properties that clear skin pigmentation and blemishes, together with multani mitti and honey get rids of dead cells making your skin look supple and vibrant.

Normal Skin


1 tbsp multani mitti

1 tbsp mint paste

1 tbsp curd


Mix all the ingredients into fine paste.

Apply this paste on the dark spots and let it stay for 20 minutes.

Rinse with water to clear of the dark patches in no time.

How It Works?

Multani mitti, mint and curd are a wonderful combination to vanish dark patches. The abundance of methanol in mint leaves cleanses the skin together with multani mitti helps to clear of dark patches, making the skin look radiant.