The wedding season is here, and this is the perfect occasion to look gorgeous and stand out of the crowd. Irrespective of your clothes of jewellery, a perfect look is only achieved with shiny tresses and natural, flawless glow. Samay Dutta, Director -Noir the Luxury Blow Bar and Jagdeesh P, an expert at Paul Mitchell list some methods to look radiant.

Tips for Shiny Hair

  • Keeping yourself hydrated is the best way to keep your skin glowing and hair healthy.
  • Start prepping up your skin in advance, regular deep cleansing facials would help in removing discoloration or pigmentation.
  • Clinical sitting in case of acnes and marks can turn out to be a card of ace. Regular sittings not only give you a gleaming face but also enhance the texture of the skin. Similarly, for hair, it is suggested to get an advice from dermatologist to deal with hair thinning or to prevent pre-maturing of hair.
  • Direct exposure to sun does more damage to both skin and hair. Hair masks can come into the picture for rescue and help in restoring all the nutrients back to the skin. Also, there are shampoos and conditioners that provide UV protection too.
  • Aloe-Vera gel works as a soul food for both face and hair, as it has many properties which help in glowing and providing nutrients to the skin.