Dips are perfect accompaniments that go well with crunchy nuggets, nacho, bread, fitters and many other snacks.Healthy Dips

Dips are more like our chutneys but are usually made using curd, avocados, sesame seeds and veggies like pumpkin, carrot, cucumbers and are a source of good fats. Here are few easy-to-make healthy dip recipes.

Yogurt Dip

Rich smooth, succulent and tangy, this yogurt dip comes with very amazing flavour and goes well with a variety of snacks from nuggets to nacho chips. The tanginess of the yogurt gets heightened by blending herbs like garlic, celery and spring onions, that add colour and aroma to the dish.


1 cup hung curd/yogurt

1/4 cup finely chopped spring onions

1/4 cup finely chopped celery

1/2 tsp finely chopped garlic

2 tbsp fresh cream

A pinch of oregano

Salt to taste


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and blend well thoroughly.

Refrigerate it for an hour and serve chilled with crunchy nuggets or wafers.

Note: Keep this dip chilled until you serve, as it will turn watery if kept outside.

Nutrition Facts

Yogurt dip is a good source of probiotic, loaded with protein, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Furthermore, herbs make it delicious and provide you with healing properties.

Spinach Dip

Spinach dip is luscious, that has unique texture, colour and rich taste. Avocado adds to the creamy texture, while garlic and lemon juice provide tanginess. This dip goes well with with nachos, breads and fitters.


2 cups spinach

1 medium size avocado

1/2 tbs lemon juice

1 tsp finely chopped garlic

1/4 tsp curry powder

¼ tsp finely chopped ginger


In a mixer blend all ingredients into a fine smooth paste and serve chilled.

Nutritional Facts

This green dip comes with a rich nutrient profile that includes vitamin A, C, B, K, E, Folate, iron, magnesium, copper and healthy fats that boost immunity.