We are all aware that citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C and help us tremendously in fighting several infections. From very humble lemons to bright clementines, juicy grapefruit to yummy oranges, citrus fruits offer unparalleled benefits to both body and beauty.

 Citrus Keeps Us Glowing

Here are top benefits of citrus fruits

 1.Skin Glow: Vitamin C plays an important role when it comes to promoting skin beauty. The ascorbic acid in citrus fruits helps in regenerating collagen to maintain elasticity of the skin. As we age, doctors recommend consuming more citrus based foods to produce more collagen naturally and to reduce wrinkles. Collagen also helps in improving the strength and structure of the hair and making it luscious.

 2.No To Pigmentation: Dark spots and pigmentation are a common occurrence, especially if we get exposed to ultraviolet sun rays. These days reduce antioxidants in the skin and cause oxidative issues. Consume citrus fruits or gently apply a lay of juices on the face for a remarkable lightening of the pigmentation and dark spots.

 3.Fights Dandruff: Applying lemon or any other citrus juice on to the scalp ensures deep cleansing of the scalp, washes dandruff away for few weeks. It plays a vital role in reducing the dullness, making it thicker and shinier.

 4.Weight Loss: Doctors recommend consuming citrus fruits coupled with low calorie diet for those on weight loss regime. These fruits loaded with water and fiber make the tummy fell fuller for longer hours and prevent from feeling hungry.

 5.For A Brighter Eye Sight: Many studies prove that Vitamin C is crucial for maintaining the health of blood vessels in the eyes and reduce the risk of developing cataracts and age related macular degeneration and prevent the danger of permanent blindness.

 6.Prevents Kidney Stones: The main reason behind formation of kidney stones is reduction of citrate in the urine. Drinking citric fruit juices, especially fresh lemonade is found to increase citrate levels thus preventing the formation of kidney stones.