By Blossom Kochhar, Aromatherapist

We all know that it is very important to follow a proper skin care regime to have that glowing and hassle-free skin. Blossom Kochhar, Chairperson, Blossom Kochhar Group of companies lists down some DIY routines to follow that will give you good, healthy glowing skin.

DIY Tips For Skin By Blossom Kochhar, Aromatherapist

DIY Face Masks For Different Skin Types

For Oily Skin
Mix 5 tablespoons of Fullers earth, Orange peel and Sandalwood powder each. Mix this all well and keep in a jar. Remember to exfoliate your skin twice a week. Whenever you wish to exfoliate, mix it with rose water and two drops of tea tree. Apply, massage for a minute and rinse off!

For Dry Skin
Mix 1 large pinch Oatmeal, 1 tablespoon fresh cream, 1 crushed almond and 2 drops of sandalwood oil. Damp your face with water. Massage this scrub cream gently and rinse off.

For Combination Skin
Mix 1 tablespoon cream, ¼ tablespoon Granular coffee powder. Use two drops of rose oil with it to exfoliator.

Facial Oils For Different Skin Types

For Oily Skin
Mix 2 drops of Tea Tree oil, 1 drop Lemon oil and one drop Jojoba oil. Take a few drops of this mixture and gently massage into your skin. Apply a hot towel as a compress to your face for a few minutes to aid penetration of the oil.

For Dry Skin:
It is important to layer your moisturizers and conditioners for this skin type to trap in the moisture and oil. Mix 3 drops of Sandalwood oil, 1 drop of Geranium oil, 1 tablespoon almond oil and 2 teaspoon castor oil. Take a few drops and apply on your face and don't forget to massage well. You can use a hot compress and apply a moisturizer to get a soft and smooth skin.

Things to be avoided include spicy food, tea, coffee, cigarettes and rich, fatty foods. It is recommended to include lots of fruits and green vegetables in your diet to keep your skin hydrated and glowing. Drink minimum 2-4 litres of water every day. It not only keeps your body fit and helps lose weight but also helps to keep your skin hydrated and acne free. Besides diet, a small tip is to keep your worries away as it aggravates oily skin.


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