Hajrul Yahood, also known as "Jewish Stone" or "Jewish Rock," is a natural mineral rock with purported medicinal and therapeutic benefits. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is believed to offer a range of health advantages.

Delve into this article to know what Hajrul Yahood is, its potential health benefits, its nutritional content, recommended dosage, and possible side effects.

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What Is Hajrul Yahood?

Hajrul Yahood is a mineral rock primarily composed of calcium, magnesium, and iron. It is believed to have originated from the Arabian Peninsula and has been used in traditional medicine in the region for its supposed health benefits. It is an ayurvedic-calcined medicine used for kidney stones, Dysuria, and renal colic.
hajrul yahood

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Common Names

Hajrul Yahood Bhasma is known by several other common names such as Sange Yahood Bhasma, Ber Patthar Bhasma, Badarashma Bhasma, Hazrul Yahud Bhasma or Calcined Lime Silicate.

Nutritional Content

Hajrul Yahood primarily comprises calcium, magnesium, iron, and other minerals. However, the right composition and nutritional content can differ depending on the source and composition of the rock.

What Is Hajrul Yahood Bhasma?

Hajrul Yahood Bhasma is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine prepared from Hajrul Yahood or Jewish Stone. The preparation of Hajrul Yahood Bhasma involves a series of steps to purify and make the mineral suitable for therapeutic use.

Ingredients Used For Making Hajrul Yahood Bhasma

Hajrul Yahood: The main ingredient, also known as Jewish Stone, is the mineral source for the bhasma.

Triphala: A combination of three fruits—amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica)—is used for cleaning and purifying minerals.

Ginger Juice: Used for grinding the Hajrul Yahood into a fine powder.

Cow's Urine: Used for soaking and purifying the mineral.

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Process of Making Hajrul Yahood Bhasma:

Purification of Hajrul Yahood: The raw Hajrul Yahood is first cleaned and washed thoroughly to remove impurities. It is then soaked in cow's urine for a specific period to purify it further.

Drying and Grinding: After purification, the Hajrul Yahood is dried and ground into a fine powder using ginger juice as a grinding medium.

Calcination: The powdered Hajrul Yahood is then subjected to a series of calcination processes at controlled temperatures to convert it into ash.

Levigation: The ash is mixed with Triphala decoction and ground to a fine paste. It is then dried and powdered again.

Incorporation: The powdered ash is mixed with specific herbal extracts or juices to form a homogeneous mixture.

Calcination and Incineration: The mixture is subjected to further calcination and incineration processes to obtain the final bhasma.

Sieving and Packing: The bhasma is sieved to remove coarse particles and then packed in airtight containers for storage and use.

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Health Benefits of Hajrul Yahood Bhasma

Digestive Health

Some believe that consuming water in which Hajrul Yahood has been soaked can help promote the digestion process and relieve digestive issues such as bloating and constipation.

Fortifies Bone Health

Hajrul Yahood is rich in calcium and magnesium, essential minerals for bone health. Consuming water infused with Hajrul Yahood is believed to help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.


 The natural detoxifying properties of Hajrul Yahood Bhasma can help cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Regular intake of this Bhasma cleanses the system, augments liver health, and promotes weight loss.

Joint Health

Some traditional practitioners suggest using Hajrul Yahood externally as a poultice or compress to reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain.

Uses of Hajrul Yahood Bhasma

Hajrul Yahood Bhasma is traditionally used in Ayurveda for various health conditions, including digestive disorders, urinary problems, and joint issues. It is believed to have detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties.

How To Take Hajrul Yahood Bhasma?

Hajrul Yahood is typically used by soaking it in water overnight and then consuming the infused water in the morning. It can also be ground into a powder and added to food or drinks. Some people also use it externally as a paste or poultice to the skin.

Dosage of Hajrul Yahood

There is no standard dosage for Hajrul Yahood, and the recommended dose can vary based on the individual and the specific health condition being addressed. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional or traditional medicine practitioner before using Hajrul Yahood to determine the appropriate dosage.


Hajrul Yahood Bhasma should be taken under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. It should be used in the prescribed dosage and duration to avoid adverse effects.

People with pre-existing medical conditions or those on any medications should discuss with their healthcare provider before using Hajrul Yahood Bhasma.

Side Effects of Hajrul Yahood

Hajrul Yahood is considered safe and well tolerated for consumption, some people may experience side effects such as digestive discomfort or allergic reactions. It is essential to use Hajrul Yahood cautiously and discontinue use if you observe any adverse reactions occur.


Hajrul Yahood is a natural mineral rock with a long history of use in traditional medicine. While it is believed to offer several health benefits, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy and safety. It is best to seek advice from a healthcare professional before using Hajrul Yahood or any other natural remedy.


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Shaikh Ajij Ahmed Makbul 1, Nasreen Jahan 2, Ghufran Ahmad 3
