The holistic science of Ayurvedic medicine use metals in treating several health anomalies. Bhasma is a distinct ayurvedic metallic preparation that is treated with herbal juice or concoction and used extensively for healing a variety of chronic ailments. Bhasma plays a key role in maintaining optimum health and neutralizing harmful acids. One Such potent ayurvedic medicine is Rajat Bhasma, which is a calcified formulation used largely in treating eye disorders, debility, cough with sputum, jaundice, anaemia, liver disorders, reproductive problems, and other neurological diseases. It is also known as Chandi Bhasma, Raupya Bhasma and Calcined Silver Ash.

Rajat bhasma is a reduced silver nanoparticle used in Ayurvedic medicine for a multitude of purposes. It is made using the method of extensive oxidation under very high temperatures. Calcined silver ash or fine bhasma remains when silver is burned with some herbs mainly with lime juice. When silver particles are heated it is converted into nanoparticles and calcined ash become light in weight.
Rajat Bhasma

Key Medicinal Properties:

Rajat Bhasma is credited to have the following medicinal traits:

Rejuvenating for brain cells and nerves


Nervine Tonic

















Ayurvedic Properties

Rajat bhasma is astringent, sweet, and sour in taste. While it also offers strength, Lekhana and sarak to the body and keep the mind calm. Being a natural coolant, it supports pacifying the system. As per the ayurvedic scriptures, Rajat bhasma is known to pacify the Vata humor and Pitta humor (dosha karma).

Also Read: Shankh Bhasma: This Amazing Ayurvedic Powder Heals The Gut

Potential Health Benefits

Eye Health

Vision loss develops due to any injury to the optic nerve, excessive heat, overuse of gadgets, straining the eyes and these types of vision impairment can be managed effectively with Rajat bhasma. This classical ayurvedic formulation is known to strengthen the eye muscles and treat a host of eye problems. Rajat bhasma works well in combatting eye infection, conjunctivitis, and cataract. However, you must consult an ayurvedic doctor to know about the right adjuvant to be taken along with Rajat bhasma to heal different types of eye diseases.

For treating cataract, the following adjuvant should be used:

Rajata Bhasma    125 mg

Loha Bhasma      125 mg

Honey                  5 grams

Long pepper        250 mg

 The following mixture is helpful for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

Rajata Bhasma    125 mg

Swarn mashik bhasma          250 mg

Gandhak Rasayana      1000 mg

Praval pishti        500 mg

Also Read: Gandhak Rasayan: Benefits, Uses, Ingredients, Method, Dosage And Side Effects

Treats Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis develops due to inflammation of the blood vessels and the build-up of plaque in the arterial walls. Potent anti-inflammatory effects of Rajat bhasma aids to reduce arterial inflammation and it is used as a drug of choice for treating atherosclerosis. Rajat bhasma is a highly valuable ayurvedic medicine that should be consumed along with adjuvants such as abhrak bhasma, guggul, pushkarmool, arjuna and shilajit to effectively treat atherosclerosis.

Remedies Liver Problems

Rajat bhasma is well-known to enhance liver functions by triggering metabolism and aids in eliminating the toxins from the liver. It works by stimulating normal functions of the liver and increasing the production of bile acids. The hepatoprotective traits of Rajat bhasma formulation are beneficial in curing fatty liver and improving the quality of life in people with liver problems.

Also Read: Sphatika Bhasma: Benefits, Ingredients, Method, Dosage And Side Effects

Boost Stamina

A rich array of ayurvedic herbs is available that works well in boosting physical strength and endurance. Rajat Bhasma is one such potent ayurvedic medicine that helps immensely to fight weakness and fatigue, thereby improving stamina and energy levels to carry out daily activities.

Augments Mental Health

Vata dosha can be worsened in the system with excessive straining of the brain that may lead to loss of mental power and strength. Vertigo, mental tiredness, stress, strain, headache, and memory are some of the symptoms associated with loss of mental strength. Rajat bhasma is highly potent in treating all these problems owing to its natural strengthening action. Mukta pisti should be added along with Rajat bhasma to ease mental symptoms caused due to pitta humor. While shilajit should be combined with Rajat bhasma to control high blood pressure.

Remedies Cough

Chronic cough may lead to throat irritation, itching in the throat, dryness of the throat, and inflammation of the airways, Rajat bhasma works as a sure shot remedy in this condition. Blend Rajat bhasma along with liqorice powder, ghee for alleviating dry cough. If sputum is yellowish or greenish it denotes chest infection, where Rajat bhasma works as a natural antibiotic and offer respite. It is taken along with parwal pisti, tankan bhasma, shring bhasma and Sameerpang ras.


The correct therapeutic dosage of Rajat bhasma usually varies from person to person depending upon the age, health condition, effects on doshas, and severity of the patient. It is highly recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor as he or she would thoroughly examine the patient’s medical history and prescribe an effective dosage.

Children (Under 5)       1 mg per Kg Bodyweight

Children (Above 5)       30 to 65 mg

Adults        65 to 125 mg

Maximum Possible Dosage  250 mg per day (in divided doses)

How to Take Rajat Bhasma?

This effective formulation should be taken twice daily before a meal.

Side Effects

Rajat bhasma is well tolerated and safe in most healthy adults. There are no known side effects observed since ancient times.