Feverfew is a flowering plant of the Asteraceae (sunflower) family that goes with the scientific name Tanacetum parthenium. It derives its name from the Latin word febrifugia meaning fever reducer. Since times immemorial this medicinal plant was used to treat fevers and other inflammatory disorders. It is also known as “featherfew” and “wild chamomile”, which has been widely used as a traditional herbal remedy in European folk medicine. Also, this herbal medicine is known as the “medieval aspirin” for its effectiveness in treating health maladies.

Feverfew encompasses a bioactive compound called parthenolide, which is found abundant in the leaves. It is also a rich source of compounds like flavonoids and volatile oils beneficial in relieving muscle spasms, lowering inflammation and averting the constriction of blood vessels in the brain.
Feverfew flowers and oil

Uses of Feverfew

Feverfew leaves dried or fresh and feverfew extracts are believed to possess many potential health benefitting properties. In traditional medicine, it is used as an effective herbal remedy for treating psoriasis, menstrual cramps, asthma, skin, and abdominal problems.

Remedies Migraines

Migraines are pounding headaches that affect one side of the head. Several studies have proven that bioactive compounds in feverfew extracts such as parthenolide and tanetin work to hinder the production of prostaglandins, which are known to increase inflammation and relaxes the blood vessels. Thus, feverfew supplements are effective in treating and preventing migraine attacks.

Lowers Inflammation

The presence of volatile oils in feverfew is attributed to have anti-inflammatory actions that can effectively lessen inflammation in the human body. This classical herbal medicine is valuable for treating chronic inflammatory problems like arthritis, joint and muscle pain, and gout.

Treats Acne

Feverfew extracts endowed with parthenolide compound is valuable in treating skin issues like acne rosacea by lessening inflammation. When applied topically on the affected regions reduces skin irritation and combat acne-causing bacteria.

Combats Fever

Feverfew plant has been used as a traditional medicine to fend off pathogens and alleviate fevers. This amazing plant works to improve perspiration and flushes out toxins from the system, speeding the recovery process and lessening inflammation.

Also Read: Viral Fever: 5 Incredible Natural Herbs To Combat Viral Fever

Eases Menstrual Discomfort

For most women, menstruation can be a pain that accompanies with cramps, abdominal distention, mood swings, pain, and excessive bleeding. Regular intake of feverfew extracts has proven to reduce discomfort associated with menstruation and normalize menstrual blood flow.

Also Read: Menstrual Worries: 5 Different Period Problems And Their Ayurvedic Remedies

Appetite Stimulator

Feverfew works as a natural appetite booster by stimulating hormonal activity that induces hunger. This medicinal plant helps in the healing process and support weight gain efforts for people who are underweight or malnourished by increasing appetite.

Boosts Cardiac Health

Feverfew plant extracts inhibit the production of prostaglandins in the body that are responsible for elevating blood pressure. Feverfew protects the heart and lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases by scavenging the toxins from attacking the blood vessels and relaxing the blood vessels, thus lowering the incidence of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke.

Side Effects

Feverfew is considered safe for most healthy adults when taken in prescribed amounts. However, there are a few reported side effects in some people such as stomach aches, heartburn, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, and menstrual problems. Pregnant women should avoid feverfew as it may result in early contractions and is also not safe for breastfeeding women. Furthermore, people with known allergies to ragweed, Asteraceae or Compositae plant families like daisies, marigolds and chrysanthemums should avoid it.


Feverfew is a herbal supplement used as a natural remedy for treating migraines. Studies have shown that this herbal medicine offer respite from pain, anticancer actions, boost mood and combats acne. However, always consult your doctor or ayurvedic practitioner before adding any new compound or herbal supplement to your health regimen, as there is a chance of negative impacts with such potent herbs.