Generally, Clapping is a way of praising someone or something. We usually clap on celebrations, promotions, good grades and results. It is primarily a part of appreciation practice and is related to happiness. But did you know that clapping hands can be a blessing for your health as well? Sounds weird, doesn't it? 

Well, not at all! None of you are unfamiliar with those early morning park gatherings, where people of different age groups sit together and indulge in laughing and clapping loudly. Yes, just like Laughter therapy, Clapping Therapy has also become quite popular in recent times as a holistic way of healing practice. There are so many ways in which clapping can keep you in the pink of health and evade diseases. 

clapping therapy

Also Read: Pranayama: Health Benefits, Types and Techniques To Breathe Easy

Scroll down to know how incredibly worthy it is for your health to bring your hands together and clap. 

What Is The Science Behind Clapping And Health?

The human body is a complex structure. It comprises of a bundle of nerves and blood vessels spread all through the body linking every organ to each other. Since the organs are all interlinked, a negative impact on one organ can put the other in danger. Additionally, our body has 340 known acupressure points (nerves and blood pressure endings), 30+ of which are just in our palms. When we clap, these acupressure points that are connected to the different organs get activated which eventually helps relieve pain and improve the health of organs like kidney, lungs, heart, digestive tract, pancreas, lower back etc.

What Are The Acupressure Points That Get Activated While Clapping?

  • Hand valley point
  •  Base of thumb point
  • Wrist point
  •  Inner gate point
  •  Thumb nail point

Benefits Of Clapping And Activation Of Acupressure Points

Awakens Energy Chakras

The human body is made up of 7 chakras or points of energy, starting from the tail of the spine and moving upwards to the head, and clapping can help stimulate them all. If you spend 10 to 15 minutes clapping your hands, you will be able to feel the warmth and rush of energy surpassing the seven chakras. This practice activates the centers and automatically enhances the mood and elevates one’s energy.

Also Read: Kundalini Yoga: Know How To Awaken The Chakras Of The Body

Improves Heart Health

Several studies show that clapping practice improves heart health to a huge extent by regulating blood pressure levels. As an individual claps, the palms get warm, boosting blood circulation in the entire body. This reduces the incidence of numerous cardiac anomalies and even wards off breathing troubles.

Enhances Mental Wellness

Clapping is deemed as one of the easiest ways to de-stress your mind and control the various symptoms of anxiety. When you practice clapping therapy, the energy developed sends positive signals to the mind which helps in preventing mood swings, depression, restlessness etc. Nowadays, it is quite common to witness various groups performing clapping therapy as a part of their daily exercise regimen just to increase the happy hormones in the body.

Also Read: World Mental Health Day: Hastha Mudras From Yoga To Reduce Anxiety Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Bolsters Immunity

Surprisingly, clapping is proven to enhance the overall immunity as well by stimulating the production of white blood cells in the body. Routine practice of clapping therapy thus helps in preventing the risk of infections during seasonal changes.

Good For Children

Apart from adults, the regular practice of clapping therapy is highly advantageous for the children as well as it helps in increasing their cognitive powers. Clapping not only sharpens their minds, upgrades memory, and enhances focus and concentration but also improves their handwriting with minimal spelling mistakes.

Augments Bone Health

If you are frequently troubled with lower hip and back pains, there is nothing simpler than clapping therapy. Clapping regularly activates the acupressure point in the palm that is connected to the back and hip muscles and helps in ameliorating the severity of the pain, eventually helping the person lead a normal life.

Prevents Hair Loss

Apart from improving the health of the major organs, clapping can be a natural remedy for a lot of your hair woes as well. By boosting blood circulation all over the body, it vastly stimulates the growth of new hair follicles, improves scalp health and prevents untimely loss of hair to bestow you with thick and gorgeous hair naturally. 

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How To Perform Clapping Therapy Correctly?

Although it is okay to simply clap just like that, you must try this clapping therapy to avail some additional benefits for your overall health and wellness. 

Step 1: Apply some coconut oil, mustard oil or a mixture of both oils on the palms so that while clapping, it easily gets absorbed by the body

Step 2: Wear socks and some soft shoes to prevent leakage of the energy waves that are generated in the body

Step 3: Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Vajrasana posture

Step 4: Strike both hands against each other firmly from right to left, keeping the arm straight and a little loose and the palms facing each other

Step 5: Ensure that while clapping the fingertips and the palm of each hand should strike each other

Note: Perform the clapping therapy in the morning hours for 20 to 30 minutes to get the maximum results.


It is quite astonishing that something as simple as clapping, that we have done since childhood can be such a boon for our health. Not only does it diminish the risk of heart diseases, blood sugar spikes and fall or rise in blood pressure but also keeps health conditions such as anxiety, depression, arthritis, headaches, gout, insomnia, lung problems, mental woes at bay.