All of us have used honey in our homes for the longest time. And we know it is one of the best gifts to mankind. Have you tried agave or its extracts? A plant with remedial solutions for many health problems, agave nectar comes from the leaves of agave uh-ga-vee- (this is how it is pronounced). While on the face, this succulent plant looks intimidating, but underneath its thorny exterior lies a succulent nectar with superb health and skin healing benefits. A solution to all your skin issues, agave nectar helps treat several skin problems and promotes wound healing.

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What Is Agave Plant?

The agave plant is abundantly found in desert areas of the US and Mexico. The word Agave is derived from the Greek word ‘Agavos’, which implies being industrious. The ancient Aztecs regarded this plant as a gift from the Gods and it was indeed an integral part of the religion and folk remedy for them. The Aztec Goddess, Mayheul represented agave herb as a symbol of good health, longevity, and fertility. A nectar that looks similar to honey, it is widely used to sweeten drinks and is a sugar substitute for weight watchers. Agave sweetener is regarded as a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners and refined sugars. Leaves produce sap that resembles honey and thus is known to be a healthy sugar replacement to sweeten food, yogurt or cereals, teas, and coffees. And very much like honey, agave possesses fabulous healing properties. They used nectar for flavoring their food and drinks. Interestingly,  the same plant is used to make tequila and has a lifespan of thirty years.

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Health Incentives Of Agave

The juice of agave plant contains active phytonutrients, terpenoids, saponins, and glycosides. As and is high in antioxidants effect. With a low glycemic index, it can be substituted for sugar and may keep your blood sugar in control. This plant is also used to provide relief from stomach inflammation, ulcers, jaundice, liver diseases weak digestive system, dysentery, tuberculosis, constipation and diarrhea.

Talking about its skin healing incentives, agave is indeed an elixir for life and provides the following beauty benefits.
