Usage of herbs and plants that nature provides us has always been a very affordable and organic way to treat several mild to severe diseases and disorders for the longest time. Most herbs are available in abundance on the planet as wild produce or some people cultivate them without much fuss and cost. From an array of such plants that are native to Asian regions and thrive abundantly, one typical herb available to mankind is the Calotropis gigantea. The plant goes by many names such as crown flower, giant Indian milkweed, and shallow wort, and belongs to the family of Apocynaceae.  In India, it is commonly called Aak or Madar. A large shrub or small tree that comes under the Asclepiadaceae family, the herb thrives in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, and Nepal in huge amounts. 


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The Calotropis Plant 

Two varieties of this plant are commonly found in India. One has white flowers (Calotropis gigantea) and another produces lavender-coloured blooms called Calotropis procera. However, the herb and its extracts should be used cautiously as it is considered poisonous in nature. Despite being potentially dangerous, its amazing healing powers have been used in ancient and Ayurvedic medicinal systems for centuries. Several herbal formulations have Aak as a key ingredient to treat various chronic health anomalies. The plant bears five-petalled, whitish-lavender coloured, crown-like flowers hence popularly known as the crown flower. The Calotropis shrub grows up to five to seven meters in height. The stem of the herb produces milky latex and the leaves are light green in hue and oval in shape.   

Also Read: Medhya Rasayana: Benefits Of These Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Improve Cognitive Abilities 

 Health Benefits Of Calotropis Plant 

The correct usage of this plant provides numerous, powerful health benefits. It can help relieve mild to severe skin woes, and digestive, respiratory, and neurological disorders. It has also been highly beneficial when used to treat fevers, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The milky latex of the herb is used in preventing cancers. It has also been an effective antidote to cure snake bites. 

Also Read: Nettle Leaf: Know More About The Surprising Wellness Benefits of This Stinging Plant - Easy Recipes Inside 

What Ailments Can Calotropis Cure? 

  • Epileptic attacks  
  • High-grade fever  
  • Gout related issues 
  • Snakebites and scorpion bites 
  • Digestive disorders and abdominal cramps  
  • Loose motions 
  • Cramps in the abdomen  
  • Boils, skin infections and ulcers  
  • Inflammation of the body and pain in joints  
  • Cough, cold and asthmatic anomalies when inhaled in prescribed and safe doses 

Also Read: Equisetum: Amazing Curative Benefits of The Horsetail Herb 

Effective Home Remedies Using Calotropis Plant 

A potent herb that can be made into powder and oil, Calotropis gigantea can cure many health disorders if applied topically or inhaled. However, the doctor's recommendation is always advised, it is highly suggested to avoid giving Calotropis extracts to pregnant and lactating women. 

Here are two remedies that can work wonders in alleviating certain pains and aches: 

Inflammation And Joint Pain 


Take a handful of leaves and boil them for ten minutes. Let it cool and make a fine paste. This leaf poultice can be applied over the area of inflammation.  

How It Works? 

Imbued with anti-inflammatory properties, topical application over the joint areas of this paste is very effective in curing all joint-related swelling as well as chronic aches in knee areas. 

Pain In Muscles And Tendons  


Take a few drops of oil and warm it a little. Gently massage the painful areas of the body before bedtime. 

How It Works? 

Calotropis leaf oil provides immense relief in curing chronic muscular pains owing to its analgesic properties. Besides the oil being effective in soothing muscular pains, it can also alleviate stress-related headaches.  

Precautions While Using Calotropis Gigantea Extracts 

The whitish milk juice that drains from the leaves of Aak can be poisonous if consumed in abnormal doses. Moreover, it should not enter the eyes as it can cause severe damage to the eyesight. Therefore, it is advised to consult a medical practitioner before using extracts of this plant since it can be dangerous if you are not aware of its exact dosage.