The starkly beautiful winter season has set foot with the pleasant sun inviting us to immerse in a healthful, harmonious environment. And then there are markets flooding with loads of nutrient-rich cruciferous and leafy vegetables at our disposal. But on the flip side, dry skin, frizzy hair, and various weather-borne allergies are also part and parcel of the season.  

Due to drastic changes in temperature, our body takes time to get acclimatized to the weather, and in the initial few weeks, allergies, dryness, cold, cough, and many such health woes get hold of us.
Itchy eyes

Among all seasonal illnesses, dry and itchy eyes can be one of the few discomforting health concerns. Besides impeding our everyday activities, it can lead to chronic eye-related problems in the long run. In a condition called pruritus, itchiness is a sensation in the skin that typically triggers an urge to scratch. Environmental conditions like air conditioning and corresponding medical conditions like psoriasis, rosacea, certain eye infections, eczema, or inflammatory conditions such as contact dermatitis and conjunctivitis can also lead to a burning sensation as redness in the eyes. People who wear contact lenses are prone to an infection called giant papillary conjunctivitis, a severe allergic reaction that may result in intense itching of the eyes.

Also Read: Conjunctivitis: How to recognize the symptoms

What Causes Itching In The Eyes?

The common cause of itchiness, more so during winters, could be due to the following health concerns:

Dry Eye Syndrome: The formation of tears in the eyes is essential for eye health. One of the most common causes of eye irritation is when they cannot produce or lubricate the eyes well. This condition is known as dry eye syndrome and can occur due to a lack of moisture. 

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: These are large sebaceous glands in eyelids that secrete specific lipids or oils. When these glands clog, it results in insufficient oil in tears. Due to this, the tears evaporate quickly from the eyes, causing extreme dryness and frequent irritation. 

Blepharitis: When tiny oil glands at the eyelashes' base become clogged, it causes redness and irritation besides inflammation. Known as blepharitis, more often, it is caused by staphylococcal bacteria.

Infectious Conjunctivitis: When eyes are infected by viral and bacterial infections, it causes conjunctivitis that results in pain, swelling, and watery and red eyes.

Also Read: Blepharitis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Symptoms Of Itchy Eyes

The following symptoms will occur when you have mild or severe itchiness in the eyes:

  • Constant watering 
  • Dryness inside the eyes
  • Swelling in and around the eyes
  • Extreme sensitivity to light
  • Burning sensation inside the eyes
  • Scratching sensation
  • Redness in one or both the eyes

Here is a list of effective home remedies that may help soothe the itching, dryness, and redness of your eyes if it is not very severe and has just begun. If the problem persists, one should visit an ophthalmologist at the earliest.

Cucumber Slices

Slice fresh or refrigerated cucumber into slices and place them on the eyes. Cucumber contains antioxidants that create a cooling effect and helps to ease the itching in your eyes. It can be done before taking a nap in the afternoon or at night before sleep.

Witch Hazel Extract

Witch hazel has been used since immemorial against all skin anomalies as this herb possesses anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Soak some cotton pads in witch hazel extract to apply them and place them on the eyelids. Remove after twenty minutes or so. The extracts are beneficial in soothing inflammation and reducing eye irritation.

Also Read: Witch Hazel: Know About The Spectacular Benefits Of This Magical Herb – Infographics

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is one of the most potent herbs for soothing any skin allergy. The slimy gel of this plant contains beneficial bioactive compounds such as saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. This gel's topical application may help relieve symptoms associated with itchy eyes. To get the best results, blend aloe vera juice from fresh aloe vera leaf and keep it in the fridge for an hour. Soak cotton balls in the liquid and place them over the eyes. Leave for about 30 minutes and remove. 

Raw Potato Juice

Potato has been an effective ingredient in treating many eye problems. Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids that contain anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce eye irritation. Topical application of slices on the eyes may help mild swelling in and around the eyes. 

Rose Water

A flavoured water made from rose flowers, rose water can be concocted by steeping rose petals in water and is one of the best herbs for skin-related infections. Alternatively, it can be used as an effective eye wash too. It has anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties that can improve dry and inflamed eye conditions. Soak cotton balls in freshly made, or store-bought rose water and leave for about fifteen minutes. Another way to use it is by putting them into the eyes as eye drops. It will cool down the burning sensation and alleviate itching and eye irritation.