With the mercury soaring high, summer is at its peak, staying indoors is advisable to escape the sweltering heat, sipping on water, and guzzling down fresh fruit juices. If you are stepping out, do not forget to carry an umbrella and dab generous amounts of sunscreen for escaping the direct heat.

Summer heat also brings out various insects hiding deep within the soil, vents, and ducts and this certainly poses the risk of arthropod bites.
Insect biting

What is An Arthropod Bite?

Arthropod bite is nothing but a sharp bite or sting by ants, fruit flies, bees, beetles, moths, or hornets. Though not a serious condition, arthropod bite can be extremely painful, with redness and mild to severe swelling around the site of the bite.

Is Arthropod Bite Life Threatening?

Majority of these arthropods attack you out of their defense mechanism, fear, to protect their hives, or when disturbed. When an insect uses its stinger and injects venom composed of proteins and toxic substances, it certainly gives bouts of pain, papule, and inflammation. Sometimes a sting or bite transmits deadly pathogens causing a life-threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, unconsciousness, and death in some cases.

Also Read: Anaphylaxis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Here are some home remedies that may come in handy in case you are stung by any of the above arthropods.

Ice Compress

Ice compress is a very effective way to reduce swelling and pain. Remove the stinger as quickly as possible as some bees and wasps leave a venom sack behind that keeps pumping venom and spreading toxins. Once the stinger is removed ice pack application can be done.


Honey contains anti-microbial properties that help relieve the itching sensation beside preventing infection. Dip a cotton ball in honey and apply this to the affected parts.

Aloe Vera Gel

One of the best natural antiseptic agents, Aloe Vera is effective in treating all insect bites. Pluck a fresh aloe vera leaf, cut it open and rub it onto the affected area to reduce the swelling and pain


Enzymes present in the onion are helpful in breaking down the inflammatory compounds. Cut a slice of onion and rub it over the affected part.

Baking Soda

An easily available kitchen ingredient, it is used to neutralise the venom of a bee or wasp sting. Make a paste of baking soda in a few drops of water. Apply this paste gently onto the affected area.


Garlic acts as a pain reliever for most insect stings. Crush a clove of garlic and dab it on the sting applying pressure. Make sure the juice from the garlic has reached the stung area for quick relief.


Wasp stings are less acidic, and their toxins are more alkaline. The acidity of the vinegar helps neutralise the wasp venom. Apply vinegar evenly to the affected area with a cotton ball.