Hypotension or low blood pressure is a medical condition wherein the blood pressure in the arteries falls below the optimum levels. Although high blood pressure is a chronic condition that most people are suffering from, we tend to forget that low blood pressure can be equally or more dangerous. Some people might feel, that having a low pressure is good but a severe fall in your blood pressure can even be fatal.
Also Read: Hypotension: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

An adequate blood pressure reading is 120/80 mm Hg (i.e. mercury); where the upper number specifies the systolic pressure or the pressure in the arteries during the contraction of heart muscles i.e. when the heart beats and gets filled with blood and the lower number represents the diastolic pressure which is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is in a resting phase in between two beats.

hypotension home remedies

Hypotension is usually caused due to improper blood flow to the heart arising when a person suddenly stands up from a sitting or lying position which can be termed as postural hypotension. It can also occur due to stress, dehydration, drinking habits, nutrient deficiency, low salt intake, pregnancy or medication allergy.

And mostly a fall in blood pressure can make you feel light-headed, dizzy, nauseated, or cause loss of vision and consciousness. If not treated on time, continuous low blood pressure can block oxygen and vital nutrients from flowing to the brain and cause temporary or sometimes permanent damage to the brain, heart, and kidney.

Doctors recommend proper diet and preventive measures to up the levels of blood pressure. This article highlights some natural home remedies to maintain your blood pressure.

Holy Basil:

The holy basil, termed commonly as tulsi is a treasure trove of nutrients like vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, all of which help in treating hypotension and maintaining adequate blood pressure reading. The presence of the antioxidant eugenol in tulsi leaves not only helps in upping the low blood pressure levels but also lowers blood cholesterol levels. Regular intake of 5-6 tulsi leaves early morning on empty stomach shows positive results.

Almond Milk:

Enriched with omega 3 fatty acids, almond milk is extremely beneficial in treating hypotension. The absence of saturated fats and cholesterols makes it a good addition to the hypotension diet. Soak a few almonds overnight. Peel and make it into a paste. You can mix the paste to warm water or milk and have it on a regular basis to keep your blood pressure levels under control.

Licorice Root:

Licorice roots obtained from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant is a potent traditional remedy aimed towards treating low blood pressure. Owing to its effective anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic properties, the root powder when infused with warm water and taken regularly can prove beneficial for people suffering from hypotension. Also Read: Licorice, Sweet Deal for Various Ailments


Caffeinated beverages like coffee, green tea, etc provide temporary relief from a sudden dip in blood pressure. A warm cup of tea or coffee in the morning boosts the heart rate and effectively elevates the blood pressure levels for a short period of time. But make sure, you don’t add too much sugar to it as while increasing your pressure, you might also cause a spike in your blood sugar levels.

Salt Water or Salted Buttermilk:

Although excess salt is bad for health, being a powerhouse of sodium, normal table salt is an instant remedy for people having a sudden fall in blood pressure. A glass of salted buttermilk will immediately up the levels of blood pressure. But one must keep in mind, it cannot be used as a long-term treatment, as it can reverse the effects and lead to hypertension or high blood pressure.

Mix a spoonful of salt in water and drink when you have a sudden fall in blood pressure due to postural hypotension.


Cinnamon sticks and powder extract bring many health benefits when it comes to keeping blood pressure levels in control. Cinnamon has been found to be effective in regulating both systolic and diastolic blood pressure when they become abnormally high or drastically low. Cinnamon contains essential minerals like potassium and magnesium. Both of them help to counteract effect of sodium on blood pressure. It also helps to regulate abnormal heart rates. Mix it with honey or milk and drink it before bedtime to enhance these wellness incentives. 


Raisins have been an ideal remedy to help cure hypotension naturally. To enhance the effectiveness of this wholesome dry fruit, soak a few raisins in water overnight and eat them on empty stomach in the morning. Besides balancing low blood pressure levels it will also keep the body replete with energy. 

Carrot And Beetroot Drink: 

Drinking carrot and beetroot juice once a day with honey can be very helpful to increase low blood pressure levels. Beetroot juice has been an effective medicine to help stabilize blood pressure since antiquity. For people with chronic hypotension, consuming two glasses of carrot and beetroot juice will reduce the chances of containing this issue. Besides regulating the heartbeat and keeping blood pressure balanced, it also improves kidney functions.

Lifestyle Management

Add Adequate Salt

Well, contrary to the general advice, low-sodium diets are not ideal for everyone with blood pressure issues. People with hypotension or low blood pressure should consider improving their salt intake moderately to support raise blood pressure under normal level.

Refrain Alcohol

Consuming alcohol can further lower blood pressure, so it is suggested that people with hypotension should restrict drinking excessive quantities of alcohol.

Cross Legs While Sitting

It is observed that crossing the legs while sitting has increased blood pressure levels, which is an issue for people with hypertension. On the other hand, crossing legs while sitting may be beneficial for people with low blood pressure as it may help increase blood pressure with minimal effort.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking adequate amount of water can help improve blood volume, which can ease one of the major causes of low blood pressure. In addition, it can also help avert dehydration and maintain electrolyte balance.

Eat small Frequent Meals

Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day than three large meals as this may help people with hypotension to manage low blood pressure.

Use Compression Stockings

Compression stockings is valuable in decreasing the amount of blood that gets held in the lower legs and feet, thus shifting it elsewhere.

Refrain From Sudden Position Shifts

Sitting up or standing up suddenly can cause a feeling of light-headedness, or possible fainting in people with hypotension.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to cure hypotension?

Increasing salt and fluid intake, along with wearing compression stockings, can help raise blood pressure quickly in cases of hypotension. However, underlying causes should be addressed, and medical advice sought for persistent or severe symptoms.

How do I raise my BP quickly?

Consuming salty foods, increasing fluid intake, and engaging in physical activities like brisk walking can help raise blood pressure quickly. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and to address any underlying health concerns.

What is the food remedy for hypotension?

Incorporating foods rich in salt and healthy fats, such as olives, nuts, and cheese, can help regulate blood pressure levels for individuals with hypotension. However, moderation is key, and consulting a healthcare professional for personalized dietary advice is recommended.

Can low BP be cured naturally?

Low blood pressure can be managed naturally through lifestyle changes such as increasing salt intake, staying hydrated, and practising regular exercise. However, individual responses may vary, and consulting a healthcare professional for personalized guidance is advisable.


1. Preventing and treating orthostatic hypotension: As easy as A, B, C



2. Looking for Trouble: Identifying and Treating Hypotension - NIH National Library Of Medicine
