Quite often when you scroll through the social media pictures of the actresses and models in their beach avatars, you might have been a tad bit jealous of their smooth body and polished skin. Undoubtedly, the charisma of those in glam world can make anyone go crazy but we fail to realize that there is a lot of care and effort behind those glamorous beauties. Do you want to know the secret? Although there might be several skin care treatments they might undergo, one common thing that most of them would swear by is Body Polishing.

Well, before going through the article, just make a note of simply feeling your skin by running down your fingers all over. If you notice rough patches, dead skin, ingrown hair, small bumps, then you my friend is in serious need of a complete Body Polishing procedure.

Woman getting body polishing

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What Is Body Polishing, You Ask?

Body Polishing is nothing but a simple skin care technique of exfoliating and massaging the body with creams or oils imbued with sugar, salt or other grainy substances. Massaging with the grainy cream shows moderate abrasive qualities that not only helps in scourging away dead skin cells and cleansing the pores but also boosts body circulation, cell regeneration and augments overall skin.

The Origin Of Body Polishing

Although Body Polishing is one of the ongoing beauty trends that is rising to fame with time, it isn’t something brand new. In fact, ancient Egyptian Queens and Mughals employed a similar beauty ritual using cleansing grains and exfoliators made from natural ingredients like semi-precious stones, roots, flowers, herbs, wheat, rice flour, grains, pulses etc., to beautify their body and make it smooth and glowing. With time, people started experimenting with the addition of different ingredients, like flowers, essential oils, extracts and sea salts to employ it for multiple purposes.

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How Different Are Body Polishes From Scrubs?

Well, the working principle for both are same as they are used for exfoliating the skin to remove dead skin cells and clear the pores. But unlike the scrubs, the grains used in a body polish ritual are not that coarse grained and hence they don’t strip away the natural oils of the body. Additionally, a scrub may leave your skin dry and a bit dehydrated, but a body polish contains moisturizing ingredients as well that nourishes the skin from within and keeps it soft and supple.

Also Read: Want To Make Your Skin Look Vibrant And Healthy? Try These Awesome DIY Scrubs

The Stellar Benefits Of Body Polishing

  • Scourges away all dead skin cells
  • Opens the pores and allows the skin to breathe
  • Promotes cellular regeneration
  • Makes the skin soft and supple
  • Illuminizes the skin and brings out natural shine
  • Diminishes dryness and moisturizes the skin
  • Minimizes the production of melanin
  • Boosts blood circulation
  • Reverses the signs of sun damage and reduces tan
  • Arrests the various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, spots, pigmentation and blemishes
  • Bestows a relaxing and rejuvenating experience

Woman with polished face
Can You Do Body Polishing At Home?

Well, if the unprecedented year 2020 has taught us something, it is to be self-reliant in every possible way. From cooking, cleaning and taking care of the skin and hair, we did everything right at the comfort of our homes. And unlike expensive beauty treatments, body polishing can actually be done quite effectively within your abode sans the hefty price tag you might have paid back at the salon. But in case you are DIY-ing it, make sure you have the required equipment and the ingredients, such as an oil base and a physical exfoliant.

Without further delay, let's step on to the ride of getting beautiful skin with this step-by-step process:

Step 1: Wax It Out. The first and foremost thing to get on with is to wax out or shave all the unwanted hair from your body 2 days before polishing to get a flawless finish.

Step 2: Dry Brushing. Well, this is infact extremely beneficial if you have cellulite on your thighs, buttocks, arms and belly. Dry brushing not only exfoliates the skin into a smooth state but also stimulates lymphatic drainage.

Step 3: Oil Massage. Let go off your stress and worries with a full body massage or Abhyanga using ayurvedic medicated oils. You can use any carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and mix some essential oils of choice in it and massage it evenly onto your skin to soften the stubborn bonds of dry and scaly skin that comes out easily when scrubbed.

Step 4: Go For Steam. Well not many people will have a jacuzzi at their homes. But worry not, you can just sponge your body with a towel soaked in warm water. This process opens up the pores to allow the skin to imbibe in nutrients.

Step 5: Scrub Off. Use a good quality body scrub to exfoliate the dead skin cells and cleanse the pores. You can use a loofah to scrub the body surfaces and a pumice stone to shave heels and remove calluses from the feet.

Step 6: Slather It On. After nicely exfoliating your body, hit the shower to remove the dirt and grime particles from the body. Pat it dry and apply a thick body pack all over.

Step 7: After completely drying the body pack, use a warm towel or go for a shower to remove it from the body. Lastly apply a generous quantity of body moisturizer and massage for a few minutes to lock in the moisture.

And voila, within a week you are sure to notice your skin turn smooth, soft and exude a luminance naturally.

Precautions While Going For Body Polishing

  • Make sure a carry out a patch test with the ingredients to be used to analyze whether they cause any allergies.
  • Body polishing is just for the whole body but should not be used on your face as the skin there is more sensitive and thinner than the rest of the body.
  • Refrain from getting a body polishing if you are suffering from some skin issues or have some cuts, scrapes or burns as it may cause further inflammation.
  • Abstain from going out into the sun immediately after the body polishing process and use a good quality sunscreen if you go out after sometime.
  • Keep a minimum of 1 week gap if you are polishing your body for some big event as it takes some time to settle and look more natural.
  • Avoid using soaps for some time after body polishing as it may make the skin dry and parched.
  • Consult a dermatologist in case you get some side effects or irritation after the body polishing.