Do you like Avocado and have already tried guacamole, toast and other interesting recipes made from that versatile fruit? Then it’s time to taste Avocado tea.

If you not heard about it yet, we will tell you how Avocado tea helps you in lowering blood pressure, bringing down bad cholesterol and in regulating digestion, all thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

We all know that Avocado is the only fruit loaded with essential fatty acids, but the pit of the fruit too is not far behind. The seed is a powerhouse of vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium and read on to know more about its healing benefits.

Avocado Tea

Healing Benefits Of Avocado Seed Tea

Avocado seeds are a storehouse of antioxidants. The seeds contain more than 70 % of the antioxidants found in the whole fruit.

The antioxidants in avocado seed trigger the immune system, keep diseases at bay, reduces premature ageing of the skin, and prevent cancer.

The anti-inflammatory properties of avocado seed lower pain and swelling associated with inflammation.

Avocado seed tea helps in lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. 

Avocado seed tea is a powerful concoction that aids digestion, improves bowel function and treats constipation.

The richness of potassium relaxes the blood vessels and helps in stabilizing the blood pressure.

The abundance of vitamin C promotes collagen production and makes the skin look radiant and supple.

The goodness of fibre in avocado seeds improves gut health, keep you satiated, controls hunger pangs and helps in losing weight.

Avocado seed tea is a low-calorie beverage and a healthy substitute for calorie-loaded aerated drinks.

How To make Avocado Seed Tea

To make this healthy concoction remove the seed from the fruit.

Boil the seed in water for few minutes until soft.

Slice the boiled seed into two halves and cut it into small pieces.

Boil 1 cup of water, add avocado seed pieces and simmer for few minutes.

Strain the tea and add a few drops of honey to enhance the flavour.

Your healing tea is ready to be served.