With the universe pulsating with bursting energy and ceaseless activity, the call for tranquillity and self-reflection becomes a sanctuary for those pursuing equilibrium in health. Enter Aerial Yoga, an often-overlooked yet profoundly transformative practice that harnesses the therapeutic powers of meditation amidst the suspended serenity of aerial hammocks. Being a captivating fusion of traditional yoga, acrobatics, and the freedom of suspended movement, Aerial Yoga has become a sensation for those seeking not just physical fitness but a harmonious balance of mind and body. 
aerial yoga

In this comprehensive exploration, let us embark on a journey into the world of Aerial Yoga, unravelling the diverse styles, myriad benefits, and tranquil air-borne poses that promise a holistic approach to overall health and wellness.

Also Read: The Yin Yoga Revolution: Exploring Types, Benefits, And Serene Poses For Inner Peace And Tranquillity

What Is Aerial Yoga?

Aerial yoga is a unique and dynamic form of yoga that incorporates the use of aerial hammocks or silk fabrics suspended from the ceiling. Practitioners perform traditional yoga poses, Pilates, and dance movements while being partially or fully supported by the hammock, adding an element of suspension and allowing for increased flexibility, strength, and a sense of weightlessness. Aerial yoga chiefly provides a full-body workout and often includes inversions, enhancing the overall mind-body experience.

Also Read: Acro Yoga Unleashed: What Is It, Types, Benefits And 5 Spectacular Yogasanas For Mind-Body Bliss

Aerial Yoga Styles:

Aerial Vinyasa:

A dynamic and fluid style that combines the grace of Vinyasa with the weightless nature of aerial silks, Aerial Vinyasa encourages a seamless flow of movement. Practitioners gracefully transition between poses, enhancing flexibility, and building strength in a serene airborne environment.

Aerial Restorative:

A restful and therapeutic approach, Aerial Restorative Yoga employs soft, supportive hammocks to allow practitioners to relax deeply into each pose. This style focuses on gentle stretches, breathwork, and meditation, promoting relaxation and stress relief.

Aerial Acrobatics:

For those craving a bit of adventure, Aerial Acrobatics introduces playful elements and partner poses. This style builds strength, coordination, and trust as participants explore acrobatic movements while suspended in the air.

Also Read: Ashtanga Yoga: What Is It, Types, Benefits And 5 Spectacular Yogasanas For Physical And Mental Well-being

The Amazing Benefits of Aerial Yoga:

Enhances Flexibility:

The suspension in the air allows for deeper stretches and an increased range of motion, promoting flexibility and suppleness throughout the body.

Builds Core Strength:

Balancing and stabilizing in the aerial hammock engages the core muscles, contributing to a strong and toned midsection.

Decompresses the Spine:

Inversions and gentle traction in aerial poses help decompress the spine, relieving tension and promoting spinal health.

Boosts Circulation:

The unique movements and inversions encourage better blood circulation, promoting oxygenation of cells and overall cardiovascular health.

Heightens Mind-Body Awareness:

Aerial Yoga requires focus and concentration, fostering a heightened sense of awareness that transcends the physical practice into daily life.

Without further delay, discover these five incredible Yin yoga poses that offer a therapeutic and revitalizing journey, fostering a sense of equilibrium and well-being in your life.

5 Suspended Air-borne Poses For Inner Harmony
yoga poses

Floating Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana):

Begin by sitting in the lotus position on an aerial hammock. Gradually lift your feet off the ground, allowing the hammock to support your suspended lotus pose.


Suspended in a lotus position, this pose combines tranquillity with the therapeutic benefits of aerial suspension.

Floating Corpse Pose (Aerial Savasana):

Nestle into the aerial hammock, lying on your back with the fabric cradling you. Allow your body to relax and float in the suspended serenity, embracing the tranquil essence of aerial Savasana.


Elevating the traditional Savasana, practitioners relax into the aerial hammock, experiencing a floating sensation that deepens relaxation.

Inverted Pigeon Pose (Sucirandhrasana):

Start in an aerial hammock inversion with your hips elevated. Gently fold one knee and draw it towards your chest, entering the inverted pigeon pose for a deep hip stretch.


A variation of the classic Pigeon pose, this inversion targets hip flexibility and releases tension in the lower back.

Flying Child's Pose (Eka Pada Galavasana):

Suspend yourself in an aerial hammock, facing downward with your arms extended. Relax into the flying child's pose, allowing the hammock to support your upper body weight while stretching the back and shoulders.


A gentle pose that mimics the traditional Child's Pose, offering a soothing stretch for the back and shoulders.

Aerial Meditation Pose (Sukhasana):

Sit comfortably in the suspended aerial hammock, allowing it to cradle your body. Embrace a serene and meditative state, focusing on your breath and experiencing mindfulness in the tranquil space of aerial meditation.


Sitting in the suspended hammock, practitioners find a peaceful meditative state, allowing for mental clarity and stress reduction.

How To Incorporate Aerial Yoga into Your Wellness Routine?

Choose the Right Class:

Opt for a class that aligns with your preferences and skill level, whether it's Aerial Vinyasa for a dynamic flow or Aerial Restorative for relaxation.

Prioritize Safety:

Ensure that the hammock and rigging are securely set up, and practice under the guidance of a certified Aerial Yoga instructor.

Listen to Your Body:

Aerial Yoga is customizable, and poses can be modified. Listen to your body and communicate with your instructor to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Consistency is Key:

Like any form of yoga, consistency brings benefits. Incorporate Aerial Yoga into your routine regularly to experience its full wellness potential.


Aerial Yoga is more than just a physical practice; it's a journey toward overall wellness that embraces the mind, body, and spirit. Whether you seek strength, flexibility, or tranquillity, Aerial Yoga offers a unique and exhilarating path to holistic well-being. So, spread your wings, embrace the hammock, and let Aerial Yoga guide you to a state of harmonious wellness that transcends the boundaries of traditional yoga practices.


  • The effectiveness of performative aerial practice on mental health and the love of movement - By Maria Kosma, Nick Erickson, Chase J. Savoie, Mark Gibson
