Achyranthens aspera or Naayuruvi is a powerful ayurvedic herb that is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. It is a common weed, erected, branched, and quadrangular herb that is widely grown throughout India, Asia, and other regions of the world. The plant and all its parts including roots, seeds, leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits have been largely used for medicinal purposes since times immemorial. Achyranthens aspera is used chiefly in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat several health maladies like leprosy, asthma, haemorrhoids, arthritis, insect and snake bite, renal disorders, fever, cough, and pneumonia to mention a few.
Achyranthes Aspera/Naayuruvi

Achyranthes Aspera Plant

The plant grows to 6 to 7 feet tall and at an altitude of 4100 meters above distributed all through tropical and subtropical regions in India. The Leaves are paired opposite, ovate, hairy, and shortly stalked that is 8 to 10 cm long, 7 to 8 cm wide with a broad base and pointed tip. Achyranthens aspera has small green, /yellowish-white flowers that form narrow, long spikes and grow up to 60 cm long and fruits are arranged into reddish-purple or straw-brown capsules.


In India Achyranthes aspera predominantly grows as a weed along the roadsides. Some of its common English names include Prickly Chaff Flower, Chaff flower, and Devil’s horsewhip. Ayurveda knows this plant by the following Sankrit names Mayura, Mayuraka, Pratyakpushpa, Kharamanjar, and Shikhari. In the Indian subcontinent, it is known as Apamg in Bengali, Aghedo in Gujarati, Chirchita, Latjira in Hindi, Uttarani in Kannada, Katalati in Malayalam, Aghada in Marathi, Puthakanda in Punjabi, Nayuruvi in Tamil, Uttarenu in Telugu, and Chirchita in Urdu.

Ayurvedic Indications

Achyranthes aspera is a good source of carbohydrates, and proteins and contains phytonutrients such as flavonoids, tannins, and saponins that support optimise overall health. According to the holistic system of ayurvedic medicine taking Achyranthes Aspera formulation with honey helps stimulate digestion owing to its digestive and appetizer traits. Further having a handful of Achyranthes Aspera seeds may help to burn fat and shed surplus weight.

The topical application of Achyranthes aspera leaves extract speeds up the wound healing process owing to its astringent and anti-inflammatory actions. Additionally, it also offers relief from ulcers due to gastroprotective activity.

Therapeutic Benefits

Heals Wounds

Powerful astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of its bioactive elements, Achyranthens asperia juice plays a vital role in treating ulcers, canker sores and peptic ulcers. While the bioactive compounds are used for cleansing wounds and promoting tissue regeneration, thus supporting faster wound healing wounds. Additionally, the herb act superficial on the cuts, wounds and scrapes and aids in averting the growth of pathogen and reduces the risk of infection at the site of the wound.

Treats Asthma

The strong anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic actions of the Chaff flower hold a remarkable role in treating bronchitis and asthmatic conditions. It is extensively used to clear up the lungs making it an amazing natural healer for a host of respiratory problems. The flowers are ground into a paste with equal quantities of garlic and black pepper, which is consumed on an empty stomach to clear phlegm from the chest and loosen the rheum particles within the chest and ease breathing. Additionally taking ½ tsp of this extract 3 to 4 times a day helps to bring down a fever related to cold and flu.

Manages Weight

Achyranthens asperia supplements work incredibly to get rid of excess body fat accumulated in the abdomen, and gluteal regions. Taking an infusion of this herb twice a day helps to diminish cholesterol levels, reduces fat deposition and supports weight loss. Moreover, adding chaff flower to the diet control unwanted hunger pangs, digest the ama in the body and regularise bowel function.

Also Read: Ayurveda For Weight Loss: Powerful Supplements To Shed Excess Fat In No Time

Remedies Indigestion

Thanks to the appetising and digestive properties, Chaff flower offers a sure shot remedy for all digestive problems. When the food taken is left undigested due to low digestive fire it results in the formation of gas and toxins leading to indigestion. The natural digestive trait of the herb averts the formation of excessive acids and treats indigestion, ulcer, and gastritis. Besides these, the chaff flower prevents the formation of Ama thus mitigating flatulence, bloating and abdominal distention.

Also Read: Ama In Ayurveda: Learn About The Causes, Health Impacts And Effective Ways To Eliminate Ama

Promotes Kidney Health

Imbued with Tikshna (sharp) and Mutral (diuretic) properties Achyranthes aspera supports in breaking down and eliminating renal calculus. Taking concoctions of this herb offers relief from dysuria, urinary retention, and swelling.

Achyranthes Aspera Dosage

Achyranthes aspera is widely available in the form of churna, juice and capsule. It is advisable to have it alongside honey or milk to mask the bitter taste. The right dosage of this formulation may vary from person to person depending upon the age, severity, and health condition of the patient. It is recommended to consult an ayurvedic practitioner, as he or she will completely evaluate the indication and suggest the appropriate dosage.

Side Effects

Achyranthes aspera should be taken in recommended dosage and duration, as taking it in larger doses can cause vomiting and nausea. It should be avoided for extended use in men undergoing fertility treatment. There is no reliable data about the safety of taking chaff flower supplements in case of pregnant or lactating women, hence should get advice from ayurvedic doctors before using it.