Amidst juggling through various roles and managing work and home situations, a woman often fails to take note of her own health, especially gynecological issues. Just like menstrual cycle, women of reproductive age often have vaginal discharge, at the onset of periods or during the fertile period. Yes, it is obviously normal and we generally don’t have to give a second thought to it, but, if it exceeds the normal point and becomes a thick white or yellowish liquid, emanating a bad odour and is very frequent in nature, you need to take it a bit seriously as it might indicate some underlying health anomaly. This thick vaginal discharge is nothing but ‘leucorrhea’, one of the primary reasons of estrogen imbalance in women. Although there are loads of topical medications and vaginal washes to manage this uncomfortable condition, yet if you want a more natural solution to it, here comes Ayurveda, an age-old science of medicine to your rescue.

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What is Shweta Pradara?

Shweta Pradara or leucorrhea is unusual vaginal discharge often stemming from Kapha imbalance in women. In Ayurveda, ‘Shweta’ means ‘white ‘and ‘Pradara’ signifies ‘discharge from the vagina’. It is a natural function of every women’s body to maintain a healthy vagina and flush out microorganisms periodically. Normal vaginal discharge is thin and watery or thick and cloudy in appearance. In case of leucorrhea, the vaginal discharge becomes more in volume, has a yellowish colour and gives off a foul smell.

What Causes Shweta Pradara?

Leucorrhea is usually not considered as a disease but a symptom of an underlying health condition like diabetes, anemia, sexually transmitted disease, urinary tract or vaginal infection. Some of the causative factors include:

  • Imbalance of estrogen
  • STD’s like trichomoniasis
  • Use of unhygienic toilets (Ashuchi)
  • Repeated abortion (Garbhapata)
  • Indigestion (Ajeerna)
  • Constipation (Vibhanda)
  • Weight lifting (Bharavahana)
  • Emaciating disorders (Atikarshan)
  • Sudden injury (Abhighata)
  • Sedentary lifestyle/day sleep (Diva nidra)
  • Consumption of excessive alcohol (Madyapana)
  • Intake of incompatible food (Viruddhahara)
  • Stress and anxiety (Shoka)
  • Riding the vehicles (Yana)
  • Long walk (Adhwa)

Due to the above causative factors, many a times the doshas are vitiated and lodged in the sites of Apana vata , namely Shroni (hip), Uru (thighs), Basti (bladder), Garbhashaya (uterus), Yoni (vagina) etc. Due to imbalanced doshas, body cannot withstand the vital strength and hence it is lost through vaginal route. Vitiated Kapha doshas produce abnormal discharge from the vagina which is characterized by pricking pain, whitish-yellow discharge, fatigue, constipation, indigestion, lower abdominal pain, irritation and lack of concentration in work, tiredness etc.

Also Read: Female Hygiene: 10 Simple And Effective Ways To Maintain Vaginal Health

Classification Of Pradara

According to Ayurveda, Pradara is classified into 5 types, mainly:

Vataja Pradara: The discharge in this case, will be pink, dry, frothy, and associated with pain. It often appears similar to the flesh washed water.

Pittaja Pradara: The discharge will be either of yellow, blue, black or red coloured and associated with warmth or burning sensation.

Kaphaja Pradara: The discharge will be slimy, pale and bears the appearance of wheat washed water.

Sannipatic Pradara: The discharge in this type is a mixture of all types of pradara and the appearance of the discharge is similar to the mixture of honey and ghee, yellow in colour or else appears like the marrow and gives off a foul odour.

Rakta Pradara: This signifies extremely heavy menstrual bleeding and often classified under Pradara Roga.

Let’s dive in to know about the spectacular ayurvedic herbs that help treat the symptoms and provide relief from Shweta Pradara.
Leucorrhea: 5 Incredible Ayurvedic Herbs To Treat Abnormal Vaginal Discharge At Home

Ayurvedic Herbs For Shweta Pradara


Prized as a powerful female-friendly herb, Lodhra is a boon for treating numerous hormonal problems in women. The powerful antimicrobial and astringent property of this herb, helps in normalizing Kapha doshas and thus treating the symptoms of Pradara. Take Lodhra powder with plain water or rice water twice a day for better results.


Imbued with strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties of the bio-active components, mustak or nagarmotha roots offer extensive relief from pain, irritation and itching due to leucorrhea. Decoction of the bark when consumed along with milk, helps treat menstrual problems whereas the powdered formulation is pivotal for treating vaginal infections.


The roots of yasthimadhu or mulethi contains phytoestrogenic compounds which are highly essential for women suffering from hormonal imbalance problems like leucorrhea, mood swings, hot flashes, etc. Intake of tea by boiling the roots of mulethi balances the hormones and prevents leucorrhea and other menstrual anomalies.


The astringent or kashaya property of tree turmeric holds high significance in treating Kapha imbalance effectively. Additionally, it also manages constipation and indigestion that often leads to unusual vaginal discharge. Intake of decoction made from the bark of daruharidra helps in mitigating the various symptoms of pradara.


Being an excellent source of vitamin C, amla helps to boost up the immune system naturally. Additionally, owing to its antimicrobial properties, it extensively helps to ward off vaginal infections, one of the primary causes of Pradara. Consume 1-2 tsp of amalaki powder mixed with honey once daily for better results.