Good health of a person does not depend only on ingesting wholesome foods and a balanced diet packed with essential nutrients but also on the proper elimination of toxins, solid and liquid particles and wastes from the body. While the lungs in the respiratory system exhale harmful gaseous carbon dioxide and the skin in the integumentary system enables sweating to pass out surplus water, salts and waste matter through the day, solid and liquid decays are also thwarted from the human system on a regular basis. Solid wastes are removed from the body’s digestive system as stool/faecal matter via the rectum, anus by means of the large intestine’s bowel movements and liquid components such as urea, salts, excess water are filtered out from the blood by the kidneys in the urinary/excretory system and excreted as urine via the ureters, bladder and urethra.

Also Read: Kidney Care: These Nourishing Recipes Aid Your Bean-Shaped Organs To Perform Better
Urine Color Chart

With regards to urine, this liquid discarded material might seem like just some substance that is passed out about 4 – 8 times in one day i.e. 24 hours, but it actually indicates numerous health problems within the body, based on the colour. Doctors and healthcare experts term the standard colour of urine as “urochrome”, which is a subtle yellow clear liquid, since urine carries an intrinsic yellow-hued pigment. However, the colour of urine passed out of the system can range from orange, green to dark brown and even appear cloudy when the body is enduring an instance of sickness and this signifies underlying health issues. It is hence important to be aware of what the various shades of urine mean for health and report any odd symptoms at once to a doctor to ensure timely treatment and restore normal excretory functions in the body.

Urine Colour Chart And What It Suggests About Health Status:


Clear urine indicates too much water in the system. While 6 - 8 glasses of water intake per day is necessary for healthy functioning of all organs, too much water could lead to bloating, nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders as well as hampered brain operations owing to fluid build-up in cells and tissues.

Yellow To Amber:

A mild yellow to a more prominent amber shade of urine implies that the excretory functions of the body are normal and the kidneys are healthy in filtering out impurities from blood circulation.

Red Or Pink:

When the urine eliminated via the urethra is red or pink in colour, it usually is a result of consuming foods that are prominently dyed in deep crimson/purple shades such as beetroot or blueberries. However, if the diet does not consist of these pigmented fruits or vegetables and still the urine colour id red or pink, it could be a sign of enlarged prostate, kidney stones or even a tumour in the bladder. Hence, it should be reported to a medical practitioner at once for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.


When the urine passed from the system is orange, it signifies dehydration. Hence, it is a must to drink sufficient amounts of water daily. In some cases, orange-coloured urine can occur alongside light or pale-hued stool, wherein it implies bile duct issues in the liver.

Blue Or Green:

Urine that is blue or green in colour arises very rarely, and if often due to the intake of artificial dyes in foods such as candies and lollipops. However, if bluish green urine is excreted despite eating a healthy diet and not taking any sugary pigmented foods, then it signifies a bacterial infection.

Dark Brown:

Dark brown urine invariably indicates that the body is dehydrated and ample water must be consumed for healthy hydration and preventing fatigue, weakness and dizziness. In some cases, when dark brown urine is eliminated and there is no sign of dehydration, it implies underling ailments such as porphyria – a rare inherited blood disorder, liver problems and could even be due to side-effects of certain prescription medications.

Also Read: Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment


Urine that is excreted via the ureters, bladder and urethra is usually a clear fluid with a tinge of yellow. But at times, urine passed out of the body displays a cloudy hazy appearance which signifies urinary tract infection (UTI) or chronic kidney disease. Hence, the symptoms must be reported to a healthcare professional promptly to ensure pertinent treatment and ensure healthy kidneys and excretory functions.