Beetroots, also known as beets is a popular root vegetable packed with essential vitamins, minerals and is extensively used for medicinal and beauty properties.

beet juice

This bright, sweet and bitter veggie is low on calories and is a powerhouse of protein, fibre, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron and phosphorus. Beets are also a must-have in your beauty regimen to deal with your various skin issues.

Fights Acne And Pimples:

Beetroot juice works wonders on oily skin and in fighting against acne and pimples. Drinking beetroot juice mixed with carrot or cucumber is loaded with antioxidants and is immensely beneficial in improving skin health. If you are suffering from acne, mix two spoons of fresh beetroot juice with plain curd and apply on the affected area. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it. It dries up acne, without leaving the scars.

Improves Skin Glow:

A glass of fresh beetroot juice is all you need to glow from within. It purifies blood, by eliminating toxins and gives an instant skin glow. Apply beetroot juice regularly to clear dead skin cells from the face and to make it look soft.

Bright Lips:

If you want to achieve that perfect, natural rosy colour on lips, turn to beetroot. Apply some beetroot juice on lips every night before sleeping, and you will start noticing soft, pink lips within 10 days.

Hydrates Dry Skin:

Beetroot is the best way to hydrate your skin and deal with itchiness. Mix beetroot juice with equal amounts of honey, milk and apply it all over the affected area. Let it dry and take a lukewarm shower. It keeps your skin hydrated for longer hours.

Hair Care:

If you are suffering from frequent hair loss, include beets in your daily diet. Beetroot provides all essential minerals and vitamins for healthy hair by strengthening the follicles. Mixing ground coffee beans with beetroot juice works as an amazing conditioner making the hair luscious and also providing it with natural colour.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Beetroot Be Used As A Natural Hair Colour? 

Beetroot is a fabulous natural dye as it can add a temporary purplish tint to your hair. To make the natural hair colour, mix half a cup of carrot juice with a cup of beetroot juice. Rub this mixture over the strands. Let it sit for about 2 hours and then rinse with a mild shampoo. Repeat the process if you are looking for a deeper shade of wine red.

How Much Beetroot Can Be Eaten In A Day?

Consuming one small to medium beetroot is sufficient daily. Do not overeat as because of their high oxalate content, it can increase the risk of kidney stones and aggravate the problem of stones. Moreover, some people are allergic to beetroots. People suffering from chronic low blood pressure problems are advised to reduce their intake of beetroot.

Can Beetroot Cure An Itchy Scalp?

Imbued with anti-inflammatory properties, beetroot facilitates the smooth functioning of hair follicles. Scalp inflammation can result in infection and poor hair growth. Rub beetroot juice on the scalp will remove dead skin cells. Leave it on for twenty minutes and get an itch-free scalp.