Have you ever been just too busy to take care of your hair? Few easy ways like keeping a check on what you eat and having proper sleep can rejuvenate your tresses like never before. Myna Batavia, Co-Founder of Sinfully Myne, a Bengaluru-based wellness and beauty company, lists down tips to rejuvenate your hair when life gets busy:

 Rejuvenate Hair

  • Oil your hair: Oil your hair frequently to keep it nourished and healthy. Different oils like olive oil,coconut oil and castor oil should be used. Massage the oil slowly into the scalp and leave it on for at least for two hours before shampooing.
  • Oil forms a protective barrier around the cuticle and nourishes the hair shaft. Coconut oil has penetrative properties that nourish the hair shaft with its chain of fatty acids. The high protein content of castor oil fills in the damaged keratin spots of your hair. 
  • Get enough sleep: It's unfortunate how many of us forget the importance of adequate sleep. Lack of sleep not only puts you in a bad mood, it also affects your hair. It has been found in studies that sleep deprivation for a prolonged period of time can induce more oil production in the scalp, leaving your hair dull looking. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep every night to keep your hair in healthy condition.
  • Check what you eat: No matter what product you use, if you are not eating healthy, it will reflect on your hair. Since our hair is made of protein, your diet should consist of protein-rich food like lean meat, eggs, fish, pulses etc. Don't forget to eat a lot of green veggies like spinach, kale as well. If you want to bring back the shine to your hair, you should also consume seafood and fish oil that contains Omega-3 fatty acid. Alternatively, you can take biotin supplements
  • Choose the right products: Everyone has different hair, so choosing the product that works for your hair type is crucial. What is meant for oily hair, may not give the same results on your dry hair. What's more, try to avoid products that contain sulphates and paraben as they can cause damage to your hair. 
  • Stop washing your hair daily: Well, no one likes their hair oily and limp but washing your hair every day can do more harm than good. Shampooing twice or thrice a week should be enough to keep your hair clean, but those living an active life can wash their hair every alternate day. You can also co-wash your hair, which means washing your hair only using conditioner.
  • Moisturize: Remember, moisturizing is the key to breathe new life into your hair. Always apply a conditioner after washing your hair. If you can't make time on the weekdays, make sure to treat your hair with a deep conditioning mask at least once a week. (IANS)