Vitamin B2 also called riboflavin is one among the eight water-soluble B vitamins. Riboflavin plays a chief role in enzyme reactions which activates other vitamins and involves majorly in energy production. Riboflavin is in the list of the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines and was considered the most effective and safest medicine required for overall health.

Riboflavin is a vital element of two main coenzymes flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). The coenzymes play a key role in energy production, cell functioning, red blood cell production, growth and development, metabolism and bolster immunity. Also Checkout: 5 Fruits Abundant In Vitamin C To Bolster Immunity - Infographics

Vitamin B2 aids to keep up the normal levels of homocysteine amino acid in the blood. Almost 90% of dietary riboflavin is available in the form of FAD or FMN. Riboflavin is widely available in various dietary plant and animal sources and it is readily assimilated in the body after the ingestion of plant-based products than animal sources.

Riboflavin deficiency is known as ariboflavinosis which results in sore throat, red chapped tongue and inflammation of the mouth, tongue, mouth ulcers and cracks at the corner of the mouth.

The recommended dietary allowance of riboflavin for men is 1.4-2.1mg/d and women is 1.1-1.7mg/. As riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin it is easily carried through the bloodstream and excess is excreted. Hence it is vital to get an adequate amount of riboflavin from a rich array of dietary sources to reduce the risk of deficiency disorders. Some of the richest sources of vitaminB2 include milk and milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, protein-rich foods like eggs, fortified cereals and animal products.

vitamin B2 rich foods