Vitamin E is a group of eight water-soluble vitamins with a unique antioxidant property. Alpha-tocopherol is the only form of vitamin E that is potent to meet normal requirements. Vitamin E is essential for maintaining various bodily functions including scavenges free radical damage, protect the cells, tissues and organs from oxidative stress, slow down ageing, bolsters immunity, the formation of red blood cells and assists the body to use vitamin K.

Generally, vitamin E deficiency is very rare, but a few kids with fat malabsorption syndrome are more prone to be deficient in vitamin E. Anemia, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, compromised immune system and nerve problems are some of the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency.

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin E is 400 IU per day. Vitamin E is abundantly available in a rich array of natural food sources like seeds, nuts, and oils. Add these food sources in your meal plan to meet your vitamin E needs. It is also available in the form of Vitamin E supplements.

Check the infographic for more details

vitamin E rich foods list