Vitamin B1 is one of the eight water-soluble B complex vitamins which performs various bodily functions. It is chemically termed as thiamin and it was the first among the B complex vitamins that was discovered. Vitamin B1 chief role is to promote energy metabolism and supports the body to convert food into energy.

Thiamin also assists the body in producing adenosine triphosphate molecules (ATP) which carries energy to all cells in the body. Vitamin B1 promotes the functioning of heart, muscles and nervous system. It also stimulates the digestion process by secreting hydrochloric acid and boosts memory and learning skills. Vitamin B1 facilitates the body to manage stress and also termed as the anti-stress vitamin.

Vitamin B 1 deficiency is very rare and mainly involves disorders affecting the nervous system, heart, muscles and digestive system. Depression, anxiety, paleness, giddiness, lack of sleep, nervous system disorder, eating disorder, weight loss are a few symptoms to mention. If left untreated, it may lead to a severe condition called beriberi which affects the brain and nervous system.

Also Read: Vitamin B1 – Functions, Food Sources, Deficiencies and Toxicity

Vitamin B1 is a powerful antioxidant and thus shields the body from harmful free radical damage. It also rejuvenates the skin, and arrests the various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, spots, dark circles etc. to give way to spotless, blemish-free complexion.

Thiamine holds high significance in managing several neural disorders like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell’s palsy and a memory disorder called Wernicke's encephalopathy syndrome.

Shots or injections of Vitamin B1 are also given to patients who are terminally ill and it even forms a wondrous remedy for people who have been diagnosed with Maple syrup urine disease and Leigh’s disease.

Vitamin B1 should be consumed in an adequate amount from the diet, as it is stored in very minimal amount. Recommended dietary allowance is 1.2-1.7 mg/day for men and 1.-1.4mg/day for women. Vitamin B1 is abundant in whole grain cereals, fortified cereals, fruits, vegetables and lean meat. It is also available in the form of supplements. Check the infographic for more details.

vitamin B1 rich foods