Vitamin A widely present in both flora and fauna is a Mother Nature’s gift to the mankind. This quintessential vitamin offers a broad spectrum of health benefits and plays a major role in proper vision acuity and eye health, boosting immune system, cell growth, bone and skin health besides playing the role of a potent antioxidant and in maintaining vital organs like heart, lungs and kidneys. 

Vitamin A Foods

It is available in two forms – Carotenoids and Retinol and this fat-soluble vitamin gets completely absorbed into the body.

Carotenoids (beta-carotenes) is mainly found in plant sources (carrots, sweet potato, winter squash and green leafy vegetables). Retinol is the active or preformed vitamin A which are chiefly found in animal sources (eggs, dairy products, fish, liver, and chicken).

Why Should You Consume Vitamin A

Protects Eye Health: The Rhodopsin molecule in Vitamin A gets activated when light falls on the retina which sends signals to the brain that results in vision. This prevents age related macular disease and promotes eye health.

Boosts Immunity: The strong antioxidant properties of beta-carotene in Vitamin A plays a crucial role in warding off diseases and illness.

Enhances Skin Health: The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin A fight acne, psoriasis, eczema and keeps the skin wrinkle- free.

Bone Health: Vitamin A is an essential component in maintaining bone health and growth. Deficiency of Vitamin A may lead to lowering the mineral density of the bone.

Reproduction: Vitamin A is plays a very important role throughout all the stages of life, particularly during reproduction in women promoting growth and development. 

The Top 5 Vitamin A Rich Foods

1. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are one of nature’s treasured source of beta-carotene. According to recent studies, adding sweet potatoes to your diet can raise levels of vitamin A in the blood.

2. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

All dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamin A, rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that fight inflammation and boost health. 

3. Dried Apricots

Dried apricots are loaded with vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, the potent antioxidants for promoting vision and eye health.

4. Egg yolks

An egg a day can keep vitamin deficiency at bay. Adding egg to your daily regimen can prevent blindness and other vitamin deficiencies.

5. Mango

Mangoes the fruit relished by one and all, are a great source of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Include mangoes in your diet for good health.