Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, also known as clotting vitamin. It is available in two forms vitamin K1 or phylloquinone found in plant sources and vitamin K2 menaquinone found in animal-based food sources.

Vitamin K plays a crucial role in the blood clotting mechanism, promoting bone metabolism, regulating blood calcium levels and heart health. The body needs this essential vitamin to make prothrombin the protein factor that plays a crucial role in blood clotting and promotes cognitive health

Generally, deficiency of vitamin K is very rare but in severe cases, it leads to an increase in clotting time which results in hemorrhage and bleeding. Newborns are at high risk of vitamin K deficiency due to certain health conditions -malabsorption syndrome, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Vitamin K is naturally abundant in a wide range of plant-based and animal sources and can be easily met through diet. The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin K is 50 mcg for adults.

vitamin k rich foods list