Papaya is a fruit of all seasons that provides the body with all essential nutrients. High on vitamin A, eating papaya regularly helps in treating vision-related problems. The extract of this pulpy fruit is also the main ingredient in a wide range of skin and hair care products. The whopping amounts of essential vitamins A, C and antioxidants lycopene present in papaya make your skin look radiant, toned and youthful.

Also Read: 5 Essential Antioxidants To Add To Regular Diet For Enhanced Overall Health


Astounding Ways To Get Healthy Skin And Hair With Papayas:

Treats Skin Pigmentation

Papaya is a miracle ingredient that can clear out the scars and uneven pigmentation on the skin. The skin lightening properties of the fruit help in getting rid of blemishes and pigmentation. The enzyme papain in papaya acts as a strong skin exfoliator and removes the dead cells, which can make the face lighter in tone and more supple. In addition, the abundance of beta-carotene and plant compounds present in papaya enhances the skin glow and complexion.

Skin Moisturizer

Papaya is indeed a boon in treating dry skin issues and helps in hydrating your skin. The rich array of antioxidants and enzymes present in papaya help in treating dry and flaky skin. Applying papaya pulp on your face makes your skin soft and radiant.


The richness of carotenoids, the potent antioxidants in papaya help in fighting free radical damage and prevent the break down of collagen and elastin, which can tighten the skin and fades away the wrinkles. Even the skin of the papaya contains enzymes that can be rubbed over the skin to remove dead cells and age spots.

Treats Skin Diseases

Papaya is a natural remedy to heal scars, burns and skin diseases for ages. The goodness of the enzyme papain exfoliates the dead skin cells and eases skin impurities. Apply mashed papaya pulp directly on the affected skin area to cure skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis and also prevent itching and reduces redness.

Also Read: Eczema: Soothe Your Skin With These Amazing Natural Remedies

Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells

Papaya is a treasure trove of beneficial enzymes and plant-based antioxidants, which effectively remove all dead, damaged cells, tissues, debris from the surface of the skin. It also penetrates the interior layers of skin and thoroughly eliminates dust, grime, excess oil/sebum secretions, to cleanse pores and reveal a bright, clear complexion.

Stimulates Collagen Production

Instilled with ample amounts of papain enzyme and beta carotene antioxidants, papaya efficiently flushes out all toxins, harmful free radicals, inactive proteins from the skin. It bestows valuable components for restoring smooth texture, elasticity, banishing creases, sagging, by vastly elevating the synthesis of collagen proteins, to provide soft, supple skin.

Natural Anti-Dandruff Solution

Dandruff being triggered by fungus, papaya thwarts itching, dryness, flaking of the scalp, owing to its potent antibacterial and antifungal traits. Moreover, papaya fruits comprise a multitude of remarkable elements - B complex vitamins, lycopene, flavonoid antioxidants. These components heal all concerns associated with hair, such as dry tresses, breaking, split ends, hair loss and scalp infections.

Deeply Conditions Hair Strands

Abounding in proteolytic enzymes of papain, chymopapain, as well as vitamins A, C with antioxidant characteristics, papaya extracts nurture, condition dull, damaged hair. Applying a mask with papaya juice, coconut oil immensely nourishes the scalp, strands from root to tip, thereby promoting the growth of healthy hair from follicles and infusing moisture, softness to the mane.

Promotes Hair Growth

The wealth of folic acid and antioxidants present in papaya enhance the circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles and promote the growth of healthy hair. Regular intake of papaya ensures that you get a long healthy mane. Furthermore, the antimicrobial properties of papaya help in thwarting numerous infections resulting in scalp damage, for enhanced hair thickness, texture.

Fantastic DIY Home Remedies With Papayas For Glowing Skin And Lustrous Hair:

Papaya And Orange Juice Face Pack


1 small ripe papaya, cut into pieces

2 – 3 orange slices

1 tbsp aloe vera gel


Mix the papaya pieces, aloe vera gel in a bowl and squeeze the juice from the orange slices.

Smear an even layer of this paste on to the face and neck after cleansing.

Let it stay for 10 minutes, then rinse off with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel.

How It Works:

Blessed with the goodness of vitamin A and lycopene, flavonoid antioxidants, papaya works wonders in brightening dull, lifeless skin and diminishing dark spots, suntans, acne scars. Orange is rich in vitamin C, which clears pores of impurities, germs, dirt, grime, pollutants and holds astringent properties, to control excess sebum secretions, decrease oiliness and tighten skin. Famed for its cooling properties, as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial components, aloe vera gel soothes dryness, sunburns, acne, to reveal blemish-free, smooth skin.

Papaya And Coconut Oil Hair Mask


1 medium papaya, chopped

3 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp honey


In a vessel, mash the chopped papaya portions and add the coconut oil, honey.

Blend it into a fine paste, then apply it uniformly onto scalp and hair, massaging thoroughly from root to tip.

Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash hair with a gentle shampoo.

How It Works:

The beneficial enzymes papain, chymopapain, as well as vitamins C, A, B9/ folic acid and myriad antioxidants in papaya, promote the growth of strong, silky hair and combat scalp issues of dandruff, flaking while arresting hair fall. Coconut oil comprises vast reserves of vitamin E, fortifying fatty acids, which penetrate deep into hair shafts, scalp, infusing hydration, locking in moisture, to reduce split ends, frizz and augment thickness of tresses. Honey not only conditions hair and prevents breakage thanks to its amazing emollient qualities, but also cures scalp irritation, itching owing to its inherent antiseptic potential.