Papaya is a wonder fruit and a powerhouse of Vitamin A. Doctors recommend feeding papaya to children from a very young age, but most kids are put off by its pungent smell. If your kids or other family members dislike papaya, here are two unique recipes where they may not even realise they are eating raw papaya.

Raw Papaya Tutti Frutti

1.Tutti Frutti

Do you know Tutti frutti, the colourful candied delights are prepared using raw papaya? It is used widely as toppings in ice-creams, falodas, cakes, bread, and biscuit. You can make it in a vibrant colour ranging from red, yellow, green and orange using artificial colour or make it natural by using saffron, turmeric, and beetroot juice.


500 grams raw papaya

7 cup water

2 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

4 drops food colour red, green, yellow


1.Cut raw papaya into small cubes, boil the chopped papaya in 4 cups of water for 5 minutes until it turns partially -transparent.

2. Drain off the water and keep aside. In a large pan add 2 cups of sugar and 3 cups of water, to this add the papaya and boil for 20 minutes stirring occasionally.

3. Once the sugar syrup turns to one string consistency, switch off the flame and add 1 tsp of vanilla essence and blend well.

4. Separate this mixture into 4 equal parts and add one drop of red, yellow, green and orange food colour to each part and blend well.

5. Let it stay for 12 hours until the papaya absorbs the colour completely and then drain off the syrup and allow it to dry.

6. Once the tutti frutti is dried mix all the colour together, your colourful tutti frutti is ready to be used or refrigerate for later use.

2. Raw Papaya Stir fry

Freshly grated raw papaya blended with grated coconut takes this recipe to next level and make you crave for extra servings. This stir fry is made in coconut oil with shallots and green chilies enhances the aroma and taste of the dish.


500 grams papaya raw

1/2 cup coconut grated

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds

7 - 8 chopped shallots

2 green chillies

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

Curry leaves

Salt to taste


1. Peel the skin and cut raw papaya into 2 halves, remove the seeds and wash it thoroughly. Now finely grate the papaya.

2. Take a pan to add coconut oil and season with mustard seeds and curry leaves, add the chopped shallots and green chillies, sauté for few minutes and then add grated papaya and cook for 5-10 minutes in a medium flame.

3. Now add turmeric powder, grated coconut and salt, mix it up thoroughly until the raw smell vanishes.

4. Yummy and tasty papaya stir fry is ready to be served with hot rice. 

Raw Papaya Benefits

Consuming raw papaya on a regular basis improves skin glow, radiance and normalizes period cycle. Further on the presence of papain and chymopapain enzymes in raw papaya eases the digestion of protein and lessen the inflammation.