Today is World Trauma Day, it is observed worldwide with an aim to emphasize the need of averting deaths and disabilities caused by accidents or trauma. Statistics reveal that there is a high prevalence of road accidents happening in India every 1.9 minutes and 22.8% of all traumas are due to transport-related accidents. It is reported that almost 1 million people die and 20 million are hospitalized every year due to accidents.

As per the World Health Organization (WHO), trauma is the main cause of death and disability across the globe. In fact, research says that almost 50% of road accidents happening in developed countries can be prevented with proper intervention after trauma which includes:

  1. Prompt pre-hospital care or first aid
  2. Proper knowledge and training to personnel handling emergency situations
  3. Adequate ambulances, equipment, medical supplies and facilities to handle emergency situations

This World Trauma Day let’s emphasize the importance of saving and protecting life in the most critical situation and measures to handle and avoid trauma fatalities. Dealing with the aftermath of a trauma, disability or losing loved ones are in fact tough times to manage and stress levels are uncontrollable. Here we bring you some simple and effective ways to cope with crisis.

How To Deal With Trauma And Ably Handle The Crisis:

Pay Attention On What’s Important

When handling with the repercussion of any crisis, it is vital to focus on your resources. Accomplishing your day’s task by sharing your responsibilities with family and friends. Hold on to unnecessary commitment and prioritize on what actually should be done, so that you can conserve your physical and emotional energy. Ensure that you eat healthily, get sound sleep and take care of your emotions and body, so that you will be more in control of your situations.

Find Support

Get support from your loved ones so that you can minimize the load by getting help with routine your activities or lending a supportive ear. You feel much relaxed when receiving support and be feeling great when your buddy is there for you.

Beat the Stress

When you face a crisis or your loved ones your body’s stimuli to stress gets triggered immensely and keep you in a state of constant stress. It is in fact very tough to stay calm aftermath of a trauma, however, try to practice meditation or stress relief techniques to suppress the stress and feel more robust in the face of whatever comes next.

Be Patient

People always assume that when dealing with a crisis or trauma that their negative emotions are a sign of weakness or not dealing with things in the right way. Be patient with your feelings and reactions to situations in life and handle them as it is very common to feel not yourself after any mild or severe trauma. Accept the reality you will feel much better and relaxed and things will settle on its own sooner.

Seek Medical Help When Needed

If all of these ways are not effective in handling the crisis and you still have nightmares and negative feelings and unable to move with life even after several weeks or months after trauma then you may need professional support to deal with the situation. Talk to the psychiatrist to handle the situation and seek support to overcome the crisis.

Focus On Self-Care

While traumatic events are indeed stressful for the affected individual as well as the caregiver, it is important to remind oneself that the current challenging situation is just a phase in life that will eventually pass. So irrespective of whether things are getting better or the upsetting emotions are still prominent, practise self-care and love yourself simply for the original person you are, embracing your strengths, weaknesses and imperfections. A healthy, balanced diet, proper deep sleep, routine exercise, socializing with family and friends and relaxing hobbies such as music, dance, art, gardening promote positive reinforcement and help overcome the difficult times.

Regular Physical Activity

The burden of emotional turmoil can take a toll on the key external and internal organs of the body, such as the heart, brain, skin and even the bones, muscles, digestive and reproductive systems. It is hence essential to engage in exercise on a daily basis at least for 30 minutes to 1 hour, not only for physical health but also for mental wellness. Depending upon one’s age, stamina, and extent of recuperation, the physical activity can be a casual stroll in the evening, a brisk morning walk, a dynamic jog or run, playing sports like badminton, tennis, or even an arduous workout session at the gym. These activities alleviate anxiety, stress, depression, and tension, improve mood and memory, strengthen bones, muscles, and joints, augment cardiac and nervous system functioning, and uplift skin health and gut wellness for overall well-being.

Other effective Ways That Can Help

Avoid Recreational Substances

While healing from trauma getting into drugs, or consuming alcohol feels a great idea as these recreational substances are addictive and tempting, letting the brain send signals that may be causing physical or mental pain. However, taking substances will not let you heal and help you get your bad feelings in the long run. Thus, when trying to get over a trauma, avoid using alcohol and all kinds of drugs.

Break Ties With Painful Events

One of the most powerful techniques to overcome emotional and any other kind of trauma calls for breaking the bond with the past. Avoid all kinds of direct connections that remind you of a traumatic episode. The more you cut ties, the faster you move on and heal.

Travel Often

Apart from meditation, hobbies, and other creative and artistic endeavors which are potential offshoots of mindfulness, what can improve emotional trauma levels and help an individual get settled in life is having fun. Engaging in travel in has been proven to improve psychological outcomes in many people, even the ones who have had severe emotional and physical traumatic experiences. Even if a short trip, plan one.


Is it common to develop post-traumatic stress disorder after experiencing a traumatic event?

Traumatic events in form of assaults, road accidents, being taken hostage, work-place accidents, natural disasters can cause severe post-traumatic stress. About 15 percent of people who develop post-traumatic stress disorder may have different ways to heal as it greatly varies according to the type of event and the individual. Women are twice likely to be affected emotionally than men.

How Intensive Can Post Traumatic Stress Be?

The intensity of post-traumatic stress can be different for different people and the duration can last anywhere from several weeks to several years. Some people may get over symptoms by themselves within few months and others may develop more chronic problems and it may take time for them to recover completely.

When Do I Need A Therapist Post Trauma?

While it is advisable to seek help at any time in the event of post a traumatic disorder, the decision to consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist is a personal one that depends on how distressing your symptoms are and how well are you coping with the same. But, by and large, if you are experiencing symptoms for 6 months or more, a visit to a therapist is strongly recommended.