September 10 marks World Suicide Prevention Day organized by the World Health Organization and International Association For Suicide Prevention (IASP) to educate and raise awareness among the general public on the prevention of this terrible act.

Suicides are a global problem and its prevention is the greatest challenge. In fact, suicide is one of the top 20 causes of the death around the world. According to statistics, the suicide rate in India is 16.4 per every 1,00,000 women ranking us at 6th position and 25.8 for men, ranking at 22nd slot.

Studies reveal that one suicide takes place for every 40 seconds across the globe throwing light on the growing instances of this unfortunate event, that would wreck the lives of family, friends and loved ones.

The discussion about suicide and its prevention still remains a taboo in our society. In India, we often come across youngsters resorting to this hasty step unable to take the academic pressure, women ending their lives due to domestic violence, dowry abuse and most men due to financial and personal troubles. Health conditions, depression and other mental illness are other reasons that can drive an individual to a suicide.

Whatever could be the reason, a lost life causes immense grief, guilt to the loved ones. In most cases, medical experts believe that a timely intervention can prevent suicides.

Read on, to know how to gauge if a person is displaying suicidal tendencies and ways to prevent it.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Factors That Can Trigger A Suicide:

Suicidal tendencies can be caused due to various reasons. Besides factors like academic pressure, financial problems, losing a loved one and trauma, mental illness is another major contributor. Patients suffering from severe depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder are also vulnerable to taking this extreme step in their lives.

Who Is Vulnerable To A Suicide?

Researchers reveal that suicide rate is high among the teenagers, young adults and elderly people.

Individuals with family history of suicide, suffered physical, emotional, sexual and substance abuse, disabled or fighting end-stage health conditions, violent, impulsive and crazy traits, lost a loved one or spouse tend to exhibit severe suicidal tendencies.

The Warning Signs Of A Suicide:

Talking About Suicide And Death:

If a person is constantly talking about suicide and death, consult a psychiatrist immediately. Studies reveal that more than 75% of those considering to commit suicide would give a hint to family or friends.

Giving Away Personal Belongings:

Few people may start interacting more with family and friends, visit their favourite places, give away personal belongings or even write a will, if considering suicide. If you notice a sudden change in the behavior, keep an eye on that individual.


Doctors say that resorting to self-harm and dangerous behavior like hurting themselves with sharp objects, increase in the intake of alcohol, drug abuse are indicative of suicidal tendencies.

Extremely Sad:

If a person is exhibiting extreme sadness and mood swings, avoiding interactions with family, friends, withdrawal symptoms, refusing to attend family function and social gatherings are also few signs of suicide.


It is important to keep an eye on person after unexpected, traumatic turn of events in life. Older people become suicidal after losing spouse. Getting diagnosed with terminal illness, divorce are other traumatic factors that can drive a person to suicide.

How To Prevent A Suicide:

Initiate A Dialogue:

Do not ever hesitate to talk or initiate a discussion, if you find an individual with suicidal tendencies. Try to understand the perspective and counsel. Explain that depression is not permanent, and it is treatable.

See A Doctor:

Encourage the person with suicidal thoughts and behavior to see a psychiatrist for proper therapy and medication. Continuous monitoring by the medical expert along with medication will bring in positive change.

Do Not Leave Alone:

Make sure not to leave the person alone. Keep him or her surrounded by the loved ones, seek help from your family and friends to always keep an eye on the behavioural changes.

Keep Away From Dangerous Objects:

Check the person if he or she is in possession of sharp objects, guns, ropes. Make sure to remove sharp, dangerous objects from the house that the person may use it to hurt themselves.

Spend Time:

Few with people suicidal tendencies would improve a lot after spending time in the care of their loved ones company. If possible, hire a counsellor or dial a helpline to discourage the individual from taking that extreme step.