World No-Tobacco Day is a global campaign commemorated on May 31st every year. This day aims at raising awareness about the ill effects of using tobacco in every form, thus encouraging people to achieve their goal of quitting smoking and other ways of tobacco consumption.

Every year on this day, several activities are conducted to reiterate the benefits of quitting smoking and inform people about every possible harm smoking brings to the body. For the year 2023 World No Tobacco Day theme 'We need food, not tobacco’, emphasizes alternative crop production besides encouraging governments to put a stop to all sorts of tobacco-growing subsidies, impose taxes on tobacco or related products, and support farmers to switch to sustainable methods that can help them grow nutritious crops to maintain their livelihood.
No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day 2022: Here’s Why You Should Quit This Poor Lifestyle Habit, Right Now!

Health Conditions Impacted By Tobacco Consumption

Lung Cancer

A perilous and often fatal disease, lung cancer has a strong correlation with tobacco use and claims a significant number of lives worldwide every year. When tobacco enters the body through smoke actively or we involuntarily inhale second-hand smoke, numerous harmful cancer-causing carcinogens get into the lungs. These super toxic compounds damage the lung cells, triggering the formation of deadly cancerous cells. Smoking individuals are at an escalated risk of developing lung cancer. Quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke are vital steps toward preventing cancer and improving overall well-being. Unfortunately, the ailment can stretch its impact from smokers to passive smokers as well.

World Lung Cancer Day 2022: Learn About The Significance, Theme, And Guidelines For Screening

Heart Disease:

Smoking is one of the prime causes of heart-related problems worldwide. Tobacco has everything harmful to the heart and its blood vessels. Containing high levels of the addictive chemical, nicotine, tobacco elevates blood pressure to an abnormally high range, making the heart work harder to manage it. It causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries, narrowing them and reducing blood flow. The flow of blood to the heart gets blocked eventually leading to heart attacks, strokes, and cardiac arrests. To get a healthier and happier heart and to improve overall cardiovascular health. One of the best things you can do is to quit tobacco in all forms.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a serious lung condition that tobacco consumption and smoking can be a major cause of.  Inhaling smoke also allows toxic and harmful chemicals to block the airways and cause damage to the lungs. Conditions like chronic bronchitis and emphysema are major types of COPD. Over time, this damage leads to inflammation and a narrowing of the air passages, making it difficult to breathe.

World No Tobacco Day 2021: Here Are 7 Effective Ways To Quit Smoking


Stroke is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs due to a decrease in oxygen to the brain blood vessel causing the brain to rupture or bleeds. It can also happen when there is a blockage in the effective blood supply to the brain. By elevating the risk of having a stroke by many times, regular smoking makes the blood gummy and gluey with a tendency to form clots. When smoke goes into the body, the harmful chemicals in tobacco chemicals damage blood vessels and do not let the blood clot which blocks the flow of blood to the brain, leading to a stroke. Quitting smoking is crucial in reducing stroke and a vital step towards protecting yourself from this life-threatening health condition.


Diabetes has been one of the major causes of many aggravated health troubles. Besides being harmful to the lungs, brain, and heart, tobacco can risk of developing type 2 diabetes- a chronic condition when blood sugar levels go abnormally high. Toxic substances in tobacco smoke impede insulin sensitivity, making it harder for the body to regulate blood sugar efficiently. Smoking also contributes to oxidative stress as smokers take poor diets, and do not engage in physical activity thus contributing to insulin resistance. Quitting smoking allows the body to control blood sugar levels and decreases the likelihood of developing this chronic metabolic disorder.