World No Tobacco Day is a global health campaign held every year on May 31, to inculcate knowledge among the general public on the harmful effects of tobacco in the human system. This movement was initiated in the year 1987 by the World Health Organization (WHO), to enlighten individuals about the alarming epidemic of tobacco use, especially among the youth population. It also educates people about the ensuing ailments, fatalities triggered by tobacco consumption as well as by being exposed to and inhaling second-hand smoke, emphasizing that they can be very well prevented.

Also Read: World No Tobacco Day 2020: 5 Ways Smoking Adversely Affects Young People
World No Tobacco Day

The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2021 is, “Commit To Quit”, with the WHO and its member associations in countries worldwide encouraging people to sign a pledge and take active efforts to entirely stop the detrimental habit of smoking. This crusade has gained momentum especially over the past year and a half, wherein the COVID-19 pandemic plagued people across the world, primarily impairing the lungs and respiratory functions. Moreover, doctors and healthcare experts have established that the risk of severe coronavirus infection and irreparable damage to the lungs is much higher in smokers when compared to non-smokers since their pulmonary tissues are already weakened owing to incessant tobacco consumption.

Additionally, statistics by health researchers and medical professionals indicate that tobacco usage kills more than 8 million people around the world every year and this massive toll can be averted by steering clear of this injurious practice. To this effect, some useful tips are provided for people of all ages, to help kick the butt, improve lung health and uplift overall wellness.

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7 Helpful Methods To Stop The Bad Habit Of Smoking:

Formulate A Plan

Set a date for when you expect to be entirely out of the terrible obsession of using tobacco. Begin by taking baby steps – avoid smoking for 1 whole day, then a full week, a month and so on. This helps in lowering the intake of tobacco products and also diminishes the intensity of withdrawal symptoms such as headache, anxiety from suddenly stopping smoking.

Keep Tobacco Products Away

Clear all tobacco products from your home and work environment which could tempt you towards taking a smoke and make it a tougher challenge than it already is for you to quit smoking. Also, request all your family members at home, colleagues and friends at work to not smoke in your presence, as this may lead to you giving in to peer pressure and resuming smoking tobacco.

Take Deep Breaths

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, consciously calm yourself by taking 10 slow, deep breaths. Drink some water, rest in a comfortable chair or sofa and then repeat this process. This simple technique helps control the impulse to smoke again. Moreover, adhere to a wholesome balanced diet, get sufficient sleep at night and adopt an active lifestyle by exercising for at least 30 minutes daily.

Use Tobacco Cessation Products

Tobacco cessation products such as nicotine patches, nicotine gums and lozenges are a proven way to gradually cease smoking. They work by delivering small doses of nicotine through the skin or oral ingestion and effectively keep excessive tobacco dependence under control. At first, these products can be used frequently such as many times in one day, then their usage is lowered in stages until it is finally stopped.

Also Read: Nicotine Patches: All That You Need To Know
How to quit smoking

Distract The Mind

In times when you feel the compulsion to smoke, divert your focus to other productive pursuits such as listening to music, reading a book, singing, dancing or even hitting the gym for an arduous workout session. Quitting smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption requires a positive mindset, determination, will power to leave behind the destructive practice and get healthier.

Seek Support From Family

There is no need to get embarrassed to admit to your parents, siblings, spouse and children that you are addicted to smoking and have now started following a strategy to quit taking tobacco. Take all the help you need from your close family members, ask for their backing to discourage you from smoking so you can eventually stop the practice forever.

Prescription Medications

If you are facing severe addiction to tobacco consumption and smoking, consult with a doctor for more efficient ways to cease the persistent craving. The physician will prescribe certain medicines to be taken at a specific time and correct dosage. Follow this rigorously, along with all other efforts to stop tobacco consumption, so you can ensure enhanced lung functions and better overall health.