Cigarettes, snuff & chewing tobacco contains nicotine, a very addictive chemical that affects the way you think and act. Snuff & chewing tobacco sends more nicotine into your bloodstream than cigarettes do. Chewing tobacco causes bad breadth, gums to recede (peel back from your teeth), mouth cancer, etc.

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Decide To Quit- Make a Plan!

Only YOU can decide to quit smoking. Others may want you to quit, but only you can make that decision for yourself.

Think about All the Reasons You Want To Quit:

  • Are you worried that you could get a smoking-related disease?
  • Do you really believe that the benefits of quitting is more than the joys of continuing to smoke?
  • Do you know someone who has had health problems because of smoking?
  • Are you ready to make a serious try at quitting?
  • Write down your reasons so you can look at them every time you want to smoke.
  • If you're ready to quit, setting a date and deciding on a plan will help move you to the next step.

Set a Date & Stop Smoking

Pick a day within a month as your Quit Day. Picking a date too far into the future gives you time to change your mind. Choose a date like a birthday or anniversary to add value to your decision. Even if you choose any date that doesn't hold any meaning - make strong, personal commitment to quit on that day. What Can You DO

  • Nicotine replacement therapies & medicines, along with counselling helps you stay tobacco-free after you quit.
  • Opt for candy, sugar-free treats to keep off the craving to smoke.
  • Ask your friends & family to help with your decision.
  • Remove all reminders of smoking/chewing tobacco from your home such as ashtrays & spittoons.
  • Get rid of tobacco smells around the house & clothing.
  • Don't get discouraged if you 'slip'. Smoking an occasional cigarette is common while a person is trying to quit.
  • Family members & friends can offer support and encouragement. Remind 'smokers' they're still a "quitter" - NOT a smoker.

Stopping All at Once & Gradual Withdrawal

There's no one right way to quit. A lot of smokers quit all at once, with no medicines or nicotine replacement. Some may feel more comfortable smoking reducing the number of cigarettes for a few weeks before they stop.

Gradual withdrawal - Reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. This way the amount of nicotine in your body is slowly reduced. Cut out cigarettes while you have a cup of tea or coffee, or decide to smoke only at fixed times of the day. Aim to cut down before your quit date so you can lessen withdrawal symptoms, and requires determination.