World Milk Day is celebrated on June 1 annually across the globe to raise awareness about the incredible merits of drinking milk and the umpteen health incentives it offers. This event was first established by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 2001. World Milk Day works to recognise the importance and qualities of milk as a global food and honours the enthusiastic dedication of the dairy industry in feeding the populace. Further, this day also highlights the difficulties in the production and distribution of milk globally.
World Milk Day

Supplement Your Health From Our Wide Range Of Nutritional Products

World Milk Day delivers an opportunity to get the attention of people across the world towards adding milk to their diet regimen and improving the livelihoods of the communities. As per reports from FAO, more than one billion livelihoods are supported by the dairy industry and more than 6 billion people consume milk and milk products worldwide.

Also Read: World Milk Day 2022: Know About The Importance, Theme And Significance

Significance Of Milk Day

World Milk Day is acknowledged by all the United Nations member states and some of the reasons why this day is considered significant include:

  • Milk is valued as global food consumed since medieval time
  • Milk has the right blend of vital macro and micronutrients, thus comprising a wholesome and balanced diet
  • More than six billion people consume dairy and dairy products in one or another form globally
  • Milk Day encourages to educate people about the increased demand and sources of milk
  • Milk is immensely valuable and primary to food security, nutrition, economic stability and development of each and every human being

This year’s theme is “Enjoy Dairy”, which encourages people across the world to participate actively to promote the importance of milk as global food and to facilitate the dairy industry.

World Milk Day In India

India is one of the member states of the United Nations and observes Milk Day every year. While India is currently the leading milk producer, with over 199 million tonnes of milk produced in 2021, thus making it a key global player in World Milk Day. The Ministry of Health and Welfare conducts many campaigns on several social media to promote the indispensable health incentives of dairy products, and the government also launched a public awareness event, A Glass of Goodness.

In this two-minute read, learn more about the importance of milk in our daily diet.

Importance Of Milk In A Well-Balanced Diet

We’ve all been asked to drink milk daily. Yes, milk is blessed with a treasure trove of nutrients that the body relies on to augment overall physical and mental health. In fact, milk is valued as a superfood.
Role of milk in the diet

Cow’s milk confers umpteen nutritional benefits and for most people, it’s the chief source of calcium. However, there are several other foods that offer milk tough competition. Are you healthier if you have milk?

Well, there’s a right reason why milk is regarded as a fundamental part of a healthy and balanced diet. It has vital nutrients your body needs including calcium, proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamin D and potassium.

Also Read: Types Of Milk: From Toned To Flavoured, Know About All 8 Variants

Consuming milk every day right from childhood benefits good vision increases red blood cell count, promotes growth, repairs tissues, fortifies bones, teeth and muscles, provides energy and improves nerve function. The rich array of nutrients in milk maintains the body’s function and keeps you energised and active throughout the day.

Despite the misconception that milk is fattening, it’s not. If you prefer using low-fat milk packed with all nutrients that make for a wholesome drink and lessen hunger pangs. Thus, consuming milk daily lowers sudden food cravings, thereby supporting one to lead a healthy lifestyle and manage weight.

Consuming standardized milk regularly, which is high in essential minerals and peptides reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

Pure cow milk is chock full of amino acids and beneficial enzymes and fatty acids. Laden with vital vitamins and minerals, milk serves many purposes and can be used for topical application or even as food.

In addition, having a glass of milk daily makes your skin radiant and supple and also induces a good night’s sleep. Thus, having a glass of milk daily is a sure-shot boon for your overall health.

How Much Milk Do You Need To Drink?

The human body depends on calcium to maintain bones strong, the heart beating and the nervous system functioning. As milk is an extremely impressive source of calcium, it’s often valued as a key food required to maintain good calcium levels.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recommends 600 mg of calcium per day for children aged 1 to 9 years and it increases to 800 mg per day for children 10 years to 17 years of age. A healthy adult man and woman needs 600 mg/day and calcium needs increases to 1200 mg/d for pregnant and lactating mothers to meet the increasing demands.

The recommended milk intake per day for healthy adults is 300ml of low-fat milk and milk products.