Milk is a wholesome food and it is that essential for the growth of a child. In the recent years, lactose intolerance – inability to digest milk and other dairy products has become a common occurrence among the children.


Lactose intolerant kids have trouble digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. Your body needs adequate calcium and vitamin D to maintain healthy and strong bones. Calcium is vital for your bones and beats off osteoporosis, while vitamin D is quintessential and works together with calcium to enhance the absorption. To meet the calcium demands you need to include a variety of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.

It is painful to watch children suffering lactose intolerance and its effects on the health. And parents often find it difficult in making the child meet his or her calcium needs.

Luckily there is a broad spectrum of foods that can indeed help people with lactose intolerant in boosting their calcium and vitamin D intake. Thus, ensuring that calcium will help in thwarting off health conditions linked with brittle bones and osteoporosis.

Calcium Rich Foods For Lactose Intolerant

1.Get Enough Vitamin D

An adequate amount of vitamin D in the body ensures that calcium is absorbed efficiently. Your diet should cover a broad range of vitamin D rich sources such as eggs, mushroom, sardine, and fortified orange juice. Remember that sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, that you can get naturally, morning walk for about 10 minutes per day would help you to reach the target and keeps you physically fit too.

2.Legumes /Beans

Adding legumes such as kidney bean, black-eyed bean, soybean, peas in your regular regimen in the form of stir-fry, snacks, fitters’ salads, soups and curries will help you to make up for the calcium needed. Legumes are packed with loads of calcium and protein that guards your bone and lower risk of osteoporosis.

3. Go For Fortified Cereals

Good thing for all lactose intolerant is that nowadays most of the foods are fortified with calcium such as breakfast cereals, breakfast bars, soy milk, almond milk, orange juice and cranberry juice which are available in the departmental stores. A glass of orange juice provides you with 300 mg of calcium which is the same as one serving of calcium in milk.

4. Eat Veggies

Spinach, broccoli, kale, and all other dark green leafy vegetables are a great source of calcium providing you about 100mg of calcium per serving. Try to eat your greens regularly and add them in your salads, spreads, soups and curries.

5. Add Nuts

Nuts are a healthy snack option packed with calcium, a fistful of nuts provide you with 100mg of calcium per serving. You can go for almond milk, roasted nuts, almond butter in your diet as it has more calcium, phosphorus and magnesium the perfect mineral combo for boosting calcium.