Milk is considered a wholesome diet for every age and gender and is a vital part of a well-balanced diet. Packed with dense nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and Vitamin D. All of this is essential for strong bones and good health. Of course, we all know that milk is a rich source of protein. But do we know that milk consists of two types of proteins, one of which is whey protein and the other is casein protein? 

While a whopping amount of about 80 percent of casein protein is found in most milk varieties, indigenous cows that give A2 milk release a specific type of amino acid called proline, proline amino acid is found only in A2, which has a vital role in the smooth functioning of our immune system. It prevents the formation of BCM7 in our bodies besides carrying some essential amino acids that are very important for our health and are found in milk from A2 cows. All these factors of A2 milk play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being.

Also Read: Types Of Milk: From Toned To Flavoured, Know About All 8 Variants
A1 and A2 Milk

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What IS BCM7?

BCM 7 is nothing but a small protein or bioactive seven amino-peptide released by our body enzymes. Not a very helpful protein, BCM-7 interacts with the human gastrointestinal tract and internal organs. This can lead to indigestion, chronic health ailments like diabetes, and other neurological disorders. It also weakens our immune system. A2 milk has gained momentum because it prevents BCM 7 from going into our system. Since A1 cows do not make proline, BCM7 directly goes into our body and dissolves in the blood; A2 can only be obtained from ancient cattle or from the native cow breeds like Tharparkar, Gir, and Sahiwal. 

Difference Between A1 And A2 Milk

While both milk varieties are rich sources of calcium and have certain health benefits, A2 has much more nutrition than is missing in regular or A1 milk. Here are the differences between the two:

➢Both of them contain beta-casein. A1 contains A1 beta Casein, and A2 contains A2 beta casein.

➢A1 cow breed is genetically mutated to produce 18-20 liters of milk per day. A2 produces 3-9 litres of milk per day.

➢A1 milk variety has low nutrition, while A2 contains cerebrosides, increasing brain power.

➢A1 milk may cause bloating, stomach ulcers, and gas; A2 has strontium, enhancing body immunity.

➢Most people consuming A1 can be lactose intolerant, while no one is intolerant to A2 as it is easy to digest.

➢The cow breeds that yield A2 milk has a hump on the back that absorbs Vitamin D, which is not the case with cows yielding A1 milk.

➢A1 milk is boosted in high quantities to meet the high demand for milk, which reduces their nutritional value, but in A2 milk-producing cows, Calves are fully fed first; thus, the cows yield milk filled with nutritional value.

➢A1 milk is believed to cause Type 1 Diabetes, cardiac ailments, and schizophrenia. On the other hand, no use of growth hormone injections; antibiotics are given to cows giving A2 milk; therefore, the milk is comparatively better.

Benefits Of Consuming A2 Milk

Here are the potential health benefits of consuming A2 milk over A1 or regular milk:

Easy To Digest

A2 milk contains a prolin element that prevents BCM-7 from reaching our body. In regular milk, the prolin element is absent, causing health issues during pregnancy to pregnant women, thus affecting the child. A1 or regular milk is comparatively hard to digest, thus resulting in the development of unpleasant symptoms such as stomach upsets, diarrhoea, and digestive issues. Consuming A2 milk during pregnancy doesn't affect the health and child during pregnancy.

Nutrient and Colostrum-dense

A2 milk has colostrum that contains about 90 active components, providing the same nourishment value as mother's milk required for child growth. You can introduce A2 milk around one year of age or later.

Treats Obesity

Exorbitant cholesterol deposits are the root cause of obesity. A2 milk is extremely rich in Vitamin D and Omega 3, which removes extra body fats and cholesterol deposits.

Contains Cerebrosides

A2 milk also contains cerebrosides that enhance brain power and strontium, enhancing body immunity.

Prevents Chronic Ailments

A2 is believed to prevent migraine headaches, asthma, joint pain, thyroid, acidity and cancer, and other chronic diseases.

Risks Of Consuming A2 Milk

Despite the myriad of health benefits A2 milk offers compared to A1, it contains lactose and milk protein. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance, galactosemia, or a milk allergy should not consume A2 milk. Furthermore, people who follow a vegan diet, Paleo diet, or try to reduce acne and other conditions by avoiding milk should completely avoid this milk just as any other regular milk.