Winter is the time of the year where we need to take extra care of our health, as it increases the chance of winter sinusitis issues. People with allergies, recurrent sinusitis may be more vulnerable to winter sinusitis during this cold season. Though sinus issues can develop all-round the year but seem to be more prevalent during the winter season. Sinus pressure or sinusitis is not only frustrating but can also be troubling and hard to manage in the long run. Sinusitis can cause pounding headaches, runny nose, congestion, coughing, impede sleep quality, breathing difficulty and poor taste sensation.

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis can develop when the nasal passages become inflamed which may result in pressure, pain, and a stuffy nose. It may be caused by colds, allergies, deviated septum or nasal polyps. There are two types of sinusitis – acute that lasts for 10 days and chronic sinusitis develops when symptoms persist for more than 6 weeks.

The symptoms of winter sinusitis include sinus pressure, pain, thick, yellow, or green mucous, loss of smell, headache, sinusitis nausea, and pain in the teeth and jaw.

The root cause of sinus is viruses but can also be caused by fungus or bacteria. These pathogens can easily spread from one person to another. During the winter season, indoor air is dry due to home heating. The dry air tends to impede the body’s natural barrier to filter out viruses and bacteria in the mucous membrane, which allows the pathogens to invade more easily into the nasal passages and airways, aggravating the sinus problems during winter months. Additionally, cold weather, closed and damp houses without proper ventilation, nasal polyps and winter allergies can result in sinus problems during the winter months.

Also Read: Sinusitis: 5 Amazing Natural Remedies To Unclog Stuffy Nose

Ways To Manage Indoor Allergies

Keep humidity levels low in damp areas of your house with the use of a de-humidifier.

Carpets can harbour a lot of allergens and dust; an alternative is to use small rugs that can be washed and cleaned well. Ensure your carpeting is cleaned regularly.

Cover mattress and pillows with allergen-proof material and wash bed covers regularly to keep dust mites at bay.

Keep pets out of the bedroom and use an air cleaner to dispose of pet dander.

Avoid food that is known to trigger sinusitis and drink alcohol in moderation.

Try some of these simple home remedies to manage winter sinusitis. Checkout this infographic for more details
5 easy ways to ease winter sinusitis