Chronic Sinusitis refers to a case where the spaces inside your head (sinuses) and nose become inflamed and remain swollen for up to three months or even longer in spite of treatment.

This condition affects the pattern by which mucus drains and results in your nose becoming stuffy. Consequently, you may experience difficulty breathing through your nose and the areas surrounding your eyes may feel tender or swollen.

sinusitis causes

Chronic Sinusitis usually results from either swelling of the line of your sinuses, an infection or growths in the sinuses which are also referred to as nasal polyps.

Common Symptoms Of Chronic Sinusitis

The following constitute the most common symptoms of Chronic sinusitis:

Nasal Inflammation

Reduced sense of smell and taste

Thick, discolored discharge from the nose

Nasal obstruction or congestion, which results in difficulty breathing through the nose

Swelling, tenderness, and pain around the eyes, nose, cheeks or forehead

Ear pain, bad breath, fatigue, sore throat, etc.

Major Causes of Chronic Sinusitis

The major causes of Chronic Sinusitis include the following:

Nasal Polyps

Respiratory tract infections


A deviated nasal septum

Remedies for Chronic Sinusitis

There are certain natural remedies that are very effective in treating chronic sinusitis. Of these remedies, we selected the three most effective.


Yoga can help you drain much from your sinus passageways. If you are experiencing chronic sinusitis, a yoga pose with your head elevated would ease your discomfort and wouldn't place a lot of pressure on your sinuses. A very suitable pose for this is the Supported Reclined Cobbler's Pose. Here's how to carry out this pose:

Place a rolled-up blanket or some other soft object to prop your back up or serve as a bolster and lie on your floor or bed (depending on where you are using)

Next, bend your knees and draw the soles of your feet together until they touch. To make this easier, you can place rolled-up towels under your knees or even yoga blocks.

Stretch hour arms out to your side and relax. You may remain in this position for as long as you like provided you are still feeling comfortable.

When you start to feel it easing up, then it is working and you may continue or stop

In order to come out of the pose, just roll off the blanket or bolster onto your side and push against the floor or bed to come up.

Additionally, a great way of getting relief is through meditation. It could either be normal or guided and it would effectively provide you with respite from the stress that can be caused by chronic sinusitis. Meditation also helps to control the pain levels that may result from this ailment.

2. Heating or Steaming Up Your Face

When sinus pathways get inflamed and swollen, it makes passage of mucus very difficult, this leads to a stuffy nose. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to moisturize your sinus pathways is to warm up using heat or steam.

Inhaling steam is very instrumental in helping to soothe the sinus tissue and leaves you with a feeling of the ailment clearing up gradually. There are other ways to create this exact same effect.

For instance, you could sit in the bathroom with the shower running or you could simply stand in the shower. Then run warm water over your body - this would ease it very much. Also, when going to bed, you could go with a warm washcloth and place it over your cheeks and nose while in bed.

To get the most potent steam effect, boil a pot of water and then take it off the heat when it starts to bubble. Next, place a towel over your head so that it tents you with the pot. Then bend over the pot and inhale the steam.

However, when doing this, you would need to be very careful so that you don't get scalded. Position yourself at a safe distance from the pot and keep your eyes tightly shut. As the liquid cools, you can move in closer but ensure that you remain in a comfortable position.

Adding a drop or two of certain essential oils can also enhance; for instance, chamomile essential oil or lavender essential oil has a calming effect while eucalyptus oil helps to open up the nose.   

3. Using a Neti Pot

Using neti pots has become quite common in recent times. It is used to rinse out the nose and this keeps the mucous membrane continuously moist, thereby taking away pressure from the sinuses.

It comes in the form of a small pot with a fairly long spout and can be easily gotten online. In order to use a Neti pot, the following are the steps that you should take:

Wash the hands of the pot very thoroughly

Fill up the pot with sterile water

Bed slightly in front of the sink so that you are leaning directly over it

Tilt the pothead slightly sideways

Gently insert the spout into the most elevated nostril of the two

Breathe through the mouth

And then pour water into the nostril

The water would typically run from that nostril to the other one and flush out bacteria and other tiny organisms as well as dirt.

Repeat the same process on the other nostril

Note that it is essential that you are making use of sterile water or distilled water which can be gotten at a drugstore.

Do not make use of tap water directly, and if you want to, ensure that you boil it first and allow it to cool.


If you are experiencing chronic sinusitis, give any of these highly effective natural remedies a shot.