Amidst the deadly COVID-19 pandemic spreading like wildfire throughout the world, people are getting into instant panic mode when they notice someone coughing, sneezing or having a slight body temperature. Since the SARS-COV-2 is extremely contagious, people get more worked up and don’t realise that the sudden soreness in the throat, sneezes or fever can also happen due to seasonal changes or the common flu virus. Since the SARS-COV-2 appeared in the middle of the regular flu season, the similarity of the symptoms of both the infections has led to invariable comparisons.

With the government extending the lockdown till May 3, to reduce the spread of the ongoing infection, people are scared even to visit the hospital or clinic to consult a doctor, in fear of getting infected from someone. Although some of the strains of the flu (i.e. influenza) can be prevented by taking proper vaccination, there is no vaccine for the common cold virus.
Home remedies

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According to Ayurveda, the holistic science of healing, the Kapha Doshas are responsible for regulating the respiratory and nasal systems and the functioning of the stomach whereas the Vata Doshas pertain to regulating the overall immunity of the body. Due to the varying levels of ojas (i.e. immunity) in every individual, people having a poor balance of ojas easily falls prey to the common cold virus. Also Read: 5 Home Remedies To Soothe Sore Throat And Cough

Although it's hard to believe, a good bolster to your immune system can easily help with the common cold symptoms. The traditional remedies of Ayurveda tell us that we must balance our diets based on the season to prevent this dreaded springtime flu or cold.

If you are scared of falling sick and suffering from common cold or flu, have no fear! Ayurveda offers us many home remedies to prevent the common cold.

Ayurvedic Remedies To Prevent Common Cold

Flush Out AMA:

One easy way to treat common cold infections is by consuming homemade immune-boosting drinks. These homemade drinks, also known as kadha in ayurveda, is an aqueous extract of several herbs and whole spices that not only flush out the AMA toxins from the body but also helps in balancing the Kapha doshas. This inexpensive remedy strengthens the overall immune system and shields the body against infections.

Try some homemade grandma’s kadha recipe to beat the common cold infection.

Stay Away From Kapha Aggravators:

Since an imbalance in the Kapha doshas leads to a decrease in immunity, try avoiding certain foods that generate rheum particles and make the cold worse. Avoid consuming foods like yoghurt, ice cream, banana, avocado, cheese, and anything that portrays Sheeto (i.e. cold) and Guru (i.e. heavy) gunas. Try consuming more of vitamin C rich food sources like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, papaya, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.

Chew On Dry Ginger:

Also known as Sunthi, dry ginger is famed as a natural expectorant due to the presence of bioactive constituents gingerols and shaogals. Owing to its strong anti-microbial and pain-relieving properties, it not only helps in relieving sore throat but also helps in treating infections in the nasal passage and clear out phlegm deposits. Also Read: Ginger The Magic Root For Monsoon

Try chewing on a piece of dry ginger and allow the juice to reach your throat or brew it up in the form of tea to reduce cough and cold.


This is an ayurvedic procedure that refers to the administration of an ayurvedic oil or liquid as a nasal drop through the nasal passage. This nasya technique of dripping oil into the nostrils or just putting it in using your pinkie finger not only helps in clearing out the mucus deposits within the nostrils but also removes toxins from the body.

Essential oils of neem, ginger or eucalyptus can be used as a preferable choice for nasya.

Practice Pranayama Techniques:

Pranayama and yogasanas are an extremely effective way to get relief from nasal and chest congestion. These breathing exercises when practised religiously, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and not only helps in moving congestion but also increases blood circulation, and releases stress and tension.