Cryotherapy means “cold therapy” which is a process where the body is exposed to intense cold temperatures for several minutes. This therapy can be provided to just one region or for the whole body. Localized cryotherapy can be delivered in various ways including ice packs, ice massages, coolant sprays, baths, and even via probes administered into tissue.

The whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) is a technique where the entire body is immersed in extremely cold air for several minutes that confers several health incentives. The person is made to stand in an enclosed chamber or a small closed space that covers their body but has an opening for the head at the top. The temperature in the cold enclosure will drop down to between negative 200-300F and they will stay in the ultra-low temperature air for around 2 to 4 minutes.

You may reap the benefits from just one session of cryotherapy, but it’s most effective when delivered regularly. Athletes use this therapy to get respite from nerve irritation and use this twice a day. While others will go for it regularly for 10 days and then once a month afterwards.

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Cryotherapy is a minimally invasive therapy, and this type of therapy helps to remove damaged or diseased tissue that arises from several health conditions. The healthcare provider may recommend this therapy for the treatment of:

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How Does Cryotherapy Work?

In this therapy, your doctor applies extreme cold to abnormal tissue. Generally, cells cannot thrive this severe cold and eventually die post-treatment.

Substances used by the healthcare provider to create the intense cold  include:

  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Liquid nitrous oxide
  • Argon gas

Benefits Of Cryotherapy

Remedies Migraine

Cryotherapy is useful in managing migraines by cooling and numbing nerves in the neck region. A study found that applying a neck wrap containing two frozen ice packs to the carotid arteries in the neck remarkably lessened migraine pain. This works by cooling the blood passing via intracranial vessels. The carotid arteries are close to the skin’s surface and are easily accessible.

Eases Nerve Irritation

Most athletes use cryotherapy to treat injuries and numb nerve irritation and pain. Cold temperatures can numb an irritated nerve. The healthcare provider will treat the affected region with a small probe inserted into the adjacent tissue. This therapy can help heal pinched nerves or neuromas, chronic pain and acute injuries.

Treat Mood Disorders

The extremely cold temperatures used in WBC can cause physiological hormonal responses, which result in the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and endorphins. This can have a positive impact on people suffering from anxiety and depression and uplifts their mood.

Lowers Arthritic Pain

The whole-body cryotherapy remarkably lessens the pain caused due to arthritis. People suffering from arthritis can very well tolerate the treatment and improve their mobility. The whole-body cryotherapy also assists aggressive physiotherapy and occupational therapy and made rehabilitation programs very successful.

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Treat Low-Risk Tumours

Targeted localized cryotherapy can be used for treating certain types of cancer. In this context, it’s called cryosurgery where cancer cells are frozen and surrounded by ice crystals. It’s currently being used to treat certain low-risk tumours such as prostate, cervical, liver, and skin cancers in their early stage.

Prevent Dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease

The WBC is believed to help avert Alzheimer’s and dementia. This is owing to the effects of antioxidative and anti-inflammatory actions of cryotherapy that would help fight oxidative stress and inflammatory responses that develop with Alzheimer’s.

Heals Skin Conditions

Cryotherapy can enhance the antioxidant levels in the blood, thus reducing inflammation and offering respite from chronic inflammatory skin disease. Both localized and whole-body cryotherapy can help heal atopic dermatitis.

Side Effects

Common side effects of cryotherapy include numbness, tingling, redness, and irritation of the skin. However, these side effects are temporary. Seek help from your doctor if they don’t settle within 24 hours. Also, it is not advisable to use cryotherapy for a longer duration than suggested. For WBC it would be more than 4 minutes. If you’re using an ice pack or ice bath at home, you should never apply ice to the affected region for more than 20 minutes. Also, wrap the ice packs in a towel so that they wouldn’t damage your skin.

However, people with diabetes or other health conditions that affect their nerves should not go for cryotherapy, as they may be not able to completely feel its effect, which could lead to further nerve damage.


Always consult your physician before getting any type of therapy. If you’re getting WBC wear dry, loose-fitting clothing. Also, carry socks and gloves to safeguard from frostbite. During cryotherapy move around if possible, to maintain blood circulation. Those going for cryosurgery would be instructed by the doctor about preparation beforehand, which includes not eating or drinking 12 hours before the surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Wear During WBC?

The therapy clinic offers patients a robe, socks, slippers and gloves for the purpose of shielding the extremities during treatment. Men are asked to wear their shorts or underwear. You should not wear any jewellery, and metals below the neck. Also, the patient should not apply oils, lotions or perfume prior to therapy.

How Long Is Each Session?

The Whole-Body Cryotherapy takes about 2-3 minutes duration to complete, however, the patient can end the therapy at any time.

Who Should Avoid Cryotherapy?

WBC treatment is contraindicated in the following conditions that include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure >150 mm/Hg
  • Cold-induced asthma
  • Severe Raynaud’s Syndrome

And those with other severe medical conditions not mentioned above should get physician consent before doing WBC.

What Is The Difference Between Cryotherapy And An Ice Bath?

Well, the merits of a three-minute WBC therapy are equivalent to that of a twenty to thirty-minute ice bath. In contrast to an ice bath, there is no specific downtime to WBC.

Can I Go For WBC If I Catch A Cold Or Get Cold Easily?

Cryotherapy is a dry cold method with no moisture and is well tolerated even by people who consider themselves cold-intolerant. WBC promotes blood circulation throughout the body and triggers the production of brown fat, this improves a person’s future ability to tolerate cold.