Water apple, a bell-shaped fruit with a crimson hue, is a popular harvest bounty in the warm regions of South East Asia, such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia And Thailand. Instilled with ample water content to quench thirst in the blazing hot summer months, this fruit also confers umpteen health benefits, such as enriching skin texture, detoxifying the liver and augmenting heart functions. Also Read: Water Apple: Nutrition, Health Benefits, Uses For Skin And Applications in Ayurveda

The nutritional profile of water apple fruits, also commonly called rose apple, is quite impressive, with plenty of beneficial elements. They comprise immense levels of vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin A, which guarantee optimal immunity, instant energy and enhanced eyesight. Significant quantities of vital trace minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium contribute towards increased red blood cell synthesis, strong, reinforced bones and joints, as well as alleviation of muscle cramps.

Moreover, these luscious fruits are loaded with hydrating constituents, proteins, dietary fibers; are low in saturated fats, calories, with zero cholesterol, making it easy to include in any weight loss diet. With a treasure trove of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, namely flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, besides selenium and zinc, water apple uplifts skin appearance, promotes hair growth, lowers the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiac problems and neurodegenerative disorders.

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This succulent fruit, when mature, has a bright red colour, is crunchy, quite sweet in taste, being widely eaten and relished as such. Ripened water apple has extensive culinary uses, as it infuses a delicious essence to salads, juices, smoothies, ice creams and jams. Even the raw, green water apple fruits, although possessing a mildly sour flavour, are utilised in preparing pickles, chutneys and curries.

A splendid natural produce overflowing with the goodness of essential nutrients, water apples offer superb merits for fitness, when consumed on a regular basis. Check out this infographic, to know more.
water apple infographic