Coconut water is a refreshing, wholesome drink packed with several vital nutrients and minerals that are beneficial for a range of summer diseases. Read on to learn more about why coconut water is invaluable to us for the summer.

Coconut water is the liquid (juicy content) found inside the hard seed or endosperm of young and tender coconut. Coconut waters/liquids are clear and sweet. They comprise of beneficial elements such as sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and other plant based hormones, enzymes, and amino acids. Coconut water tastes best when green and unripe, usually found and sold by street vendors. With respect to nutritional value, it comprises of contains 95% water and minimal fat. 240 grams of coconut water comprises of 9g carbohydrates, 3g fiber, 2g protein, Vitamin C (10-12%), Sodium (10-12%), and Calcium (6-8%).

Coconut water helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve blood flow. It is also rich in antioxidants and has also been proven to be helpful in maintaining blood sugars. It helps prevent kidney stones, boost immunity, reduce blood pressure, and regulate bowel movement. It is effective in stomach issues, intestinal issues, and nausea.

Coconut water is the most important source of retaining hydration of the body in summer. Contents of coconut water are also found as most commonly known ORS (Oral Rehydration Therapy). However, one must be careful not to consume it in excess quantities as it may lead to elevated blood sugar and high levels of potassium. It is also not recommended for people with allergies.

Many beverages are nowadays available in the market that comprise of same nutritional value, rather enhanced nutrients value than found directly from tender coconut water

Additional Benefits

Packed With Antioxidants

Coconut water is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases. But processing and heat pasteurization of coconut water reduces its antioxidant level. Thus, to replete its antioxidants, always go for fresh coconut water.

Rich In Cytokines

Coconut water is known to contain cytokines. Studies reveal that cytokines are tiny proteins that assist control the development and functioning of the immune system. These cytokines alert the immune system to perform their work once released and keep diseases at bay. In addition, cytokines are valuable in regulating inflammation and boosting immune strength.

Wellness Incentives Of Coconut For Overall Health

Augments Heart Health

Drinking Coconut water is known to manage cholesterol levels in the blood and upkeep heart health. Being high in potassium, it is also known to reduce heart problems. Also, increasing good cholesterol in the body, it can prevent the occurrence of heart attacks and bolster the functioning of the heart.

Reduces Elevated Blood Pressure Levels

Potassium-rich diets are also known to manage blood pressure and protect against stroke. Since coconut water has a significant amount of potassium, it aids in better management of blood pressure levels.

Detoxifies The Body

Owing to the presence of minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants, coconut water can help in detoxification by providing hydration to the body. Moreover, drinking coconut water also helps to get healthier-looking skin due to its Vitamin C, and antioxidants that stimulate collagen synthesis.


Coconut water is highly valued and beneficial for overall physical and mental health due to its abundant nutrients. Generally, for most healthy people it is considered a natural drink that pumps electrolytes and boosts hydration levels. However, there is an exclusion in certain cases.

Those who suffer from renal failure should avoid coconut water as it is loaded with potassium. In kidney failure, the kidney may not eliminate extra potassium, which may lead to a build-up of potassium in the system. Also, people suffering from cystic fibrosis must be cautious, as the body’s salt level is reduced in this condition. Coconut water is packed with a higher amount of potassium than sodium, this drinking coconut water in such cases may result in sodium-potassium imbalance.

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  1. An Overview on Coconut Water: As A Multipurpose Nutrition

Shamal N.Tuyekar1*, Bharvi S.Tawade1*, Kajalkumari S. Singh

  1. Use of coconut water (Cocus nucifera L) for the development of a symbiotic functional drink