Pregnancy is one of the most delightful phases in a woman’s life. From seeing the two pink lines on the pregnancy tester to the time you get to hold your little one, the entire time of 40 weeks, a woman literally has a new birth. But even this beautiful experience isn’t free of thorns. Right from morning sickness, constipation, bloating, heartburn, dehydration, muscle cramps, oedema, UTI, and other hormonal disturbances, a woman endures a whole lot of symptoms during the gestational period.

And to get relief from some of these symptoms, if you are looking for an incredible addition to your pregnancy diet, look no further as the humble tender coconut water is here for your rescue!

Also Read: Naturally Bottled Drink - Tender Coconut Water

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How is Coconut Water Beneficial For Pregnant Women?

Dehydration and exhaustion are the two main things that most expecting mothers experience as a clear result of rapid hormonal and bodily changes, increasing stress while coping with daily activities, needs of the developing baby within the womb and an increase in water requirement. On fulfilling the hydration demand, a lot of discomforts faced by expecting women can be averted.

Also Read: Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Coconut water, being an extremely energizing, isotonic beverage, not only helps combat dehydration due to morning sickness in the first trimester but also prevents muscle cramping, which most pregnant women suffer, due to electrolyte imbalance. It also actively helps replenish the lost fluids, build up the amniotic fluid in the womb and flush out harmful toxins from the body.

Being rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants and essential minerals, coconut water even helps in preventing gastrointestinal issues like acidity, heartburn, and bloating and keeps infections at bay. A glass of coconut water also lowers blood cholesterol, regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiac anomalies.

Also Read: Planning For A Pregnancy? Watch Out For These Symptoms In Early Stages

So, whenever you feel a little exhausted or dehydrated or just want to cope with the annoying morning sickness, have a glass of this refreshing drink to bathe in its numerous benefits.

Foray through this infographic to find out the extraordinary ways coconut water benefits during the gestational period.

coconut water for pregnancy