Concentrated oils that are derived from herb extracts also called essential oils have been a part and parcel of several healing therapies for a wide range of holistic healing incentives they provide. While most oils are a product of leaves and flowers, some are also produced from citrus species like oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and bergamots. Oils from these citrusy tangy fruits ooze a cheerful yet soothing fragrance. One such aromatic oil is the sweet orange essential oil extracted from the rind of the sweet orange through a cold pressing method which squeezes the oil completely from its rind, leaves, and flowers. 

orange oil

Also Read: Lemon Verbena/Lemon Beebrush: Health Benefits, Uses And Herbal Remedies Of This Plant You Didn't Know About

What Is Sweet Orange Oil Used For?

Scientifically Citrus Sinensis, this oil has its roots in parts of China. Ranging from medicinal and odorous to cosmetic, the uses of this essential oil are abundant. It has been traditionally used for the treatment of many health anomalies since antiquity. Sweet orange oil contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities, hence it is a useful ingredient to resolve incidents of chronic stress, for painful and reflexive muscle contractions, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion, and lung or throat congestion. It is traditionally used in massages for its ability to enhance the body’s blood flow. The orange essential has potent antioxidant activity and can effectively stimulate the immune system. When applied topically it can relieve discomforts associated with inflammation, headaches, menstruation, and low libido. The oil can help maintain skin’s health, and appearance by making it smooth, clear, and radiant besides reducing the signs of acne and other pesky skin woes. 

Also Read: Citronella Essential Oil: 5 Astonishing Health Benefits Of This Herbal Tincture

Sweet orange oil blends very well with peppermint, citronella, patchouli, and other essential oils of similar classification. An invigorating long-lasting aroma is this oil’s most striking quality, and it is widely used to add a pleasant citrusy scent to a room, of course, is a key ingredient in fragrances, perfumes, room fresheners, soaps, shampoos, sprays, deodorants, and incense candles.

Health Benefits 

Sweet Orange oil brings a host of following health incentives to the table:

  • It can treat skin conditions
  • Reduce pain or inflammation
  • It can relieve an upset stomach
  • It is a natural household freshener
  • It is a great addition as a flavour to a variety of foods and beverages
  • It can soothe symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Limonene in the oil inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells 
  • Helps in weight loss
  • It brings down elevated cholesterol levels

Precautions While Using Sweet Orange Essential Oil

These safety precautions must be considered when using sweet orange oil:

  • Don’t apply undiluted sweet orange essential oil directly to your skin
  • Keep the oil away from your eyes as it may cause a burning sensation
  • If you plan to use the oil for aromatherapy, make sure that the space is well ventilated
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should speak to their doctors before using sweet orange essential oil

DIY Home Remedies From Sweet Orange Essential Oil

If you like to add the refreshing scent of orange to a room or reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, and get radiant skin, this sweet, scented oil can do all of that. Here are three simple DIY home remedies that you can try at the ease of your home and get benefitted.
essenrial oil

Sweet Orange Essential Oil For A Healthy Digestive System

Dilute 5 drops of sweet orange essential oil in 10 drops of coconut oil or peppermint oil or jojoba oil. Gently Massage it into the abdominal area to encourage the release of digestive enzymes which will ease cramps, relieve gas and, prevent constipation 

How Does It Work? 

Sweet orange oil has diuretic properties. Massaging it into the belly also promotes the release of toxins from the digestive tract which subsequently stimulates the bladder as well as the lymphatic system. This process improves the overall digestion process.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil For Aromatherapy


Mix 5-6 drops of sweet orange essential oil to 5 drops of lavender essential oil and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Diffuse throughout a room by adding few drops on low heat when experiencing anxiety, sadness, anger, hypertension, or negative thoughts.

How Does It Work?

The oil has citronellol and linalool. Both components exhibit sedative anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and anti-epileptic activities. All this can boost the mood, alleviate stress, and ease physical fatigue by helping to reduce a high pulse rate. A natural aphrodisiac with sedative properties, it is an ideal solution for low libido in both men and women. It also aids the body’s detoxification process and balances hormones.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil For Pain Reduction


Mix in 10 drops of sweet orange essential oil with 2 tbsp of melted coconut oil or ginger oil. Massage this salve to affected joints and let it completely absorbed into the skin.

How Does It Work?

The oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties that work as a soothing balm and addresses the symptoms of arthritis. It can aid in immediate relief to swollen joints that are causing pain and help to reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, and enhance circulation.