Gum cancer is a common type of oral cancer which can be described as the proliferation of cancer cells in the upper or lower jawbone (i.e., mandible). It is a type of cancer that can be categorized under head and neck cancer and is often treated similarly. This form of cancer generally ensues in the thin, flat squamous epidermal cells that line the gums in the oral cavity. The oral cavity is the main seat of human verbal communication. But, apart from helping us articulate words and speak, it is additionally required for the preparation and formation of bolus with the ingested food, recognition of taste, and deglutition. The cancer initially appears as a sore or lesion in the gums that do not heal easily.
gum cancer

Also Read: Throat Cancer: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment 


Similar to other categories of cancer, the exact cause of the carcinoma of the Gums is yet to be discovered. But several clinical studies and researches conclude that this form of oral cancer primarily happens due to changes in the genetic material of the thin squamous cells of the gums that triggers them to start growing and dividing abnormally without perishing naturally on time. This leads to an amass of abnormal cells that slowly forms a tumour. In the mouth, this type of cancer usually begins as a painless white sore that solidifies, develops a red patchy skin, forms an ulcer or sore, and continues to grow and spread without any signs of healing. With passing time, this cancer may slowly break free from the original site, and metastasize within the mouth and onto other parts of the head or neck and even to the lymph nodes and major organs within the body.

Also Read: Floor Of The Mouth Cancer: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Risk Factors:

Certain causative factors that aggravate the risk of Gum cancer include:

Gender: Men have a high chance of getting this type of cancer than females

Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits: Consumption of tobacco in various forms, betel liquid or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol increases the incidence of Gum cancer

Harsh Sun Rays: Prolonged exposure to sun or tanning beds can make a person prone to this type of cancer

Family History Of Cancer: A family history of oral cancer or other types of head and neck cancer increases the risk of Gum cancer as well

Hereditary Abnormality: Genetic syndromes or diseases like Dyskeratosis congenital increase the chances of getting detected with this form of cancer.

Infections: Suffering from HPV (i.e., Human papillomavirus) infection increases the risk of Gum cancer

Weakened Immune System: Having a depreciated immunity from birth or suffering from diseases like HIV or AIDS aggravates the chances of this type of cancer

Diet: Poor nutrition or dietary insufficiency increases the risk of Gum carcinoma.

Hygiene: Poor oral hygiene makes an individual prone to Gum cancer


It is extremely difficult to understand any noticeable symptoms in the initial stages as they are often confused with Gingivitis, but the characteristic indications include:

  • The appearance of an ulcer or a sore on the gums that won’t heal easily
  • Intense pain in the oral cavities 
  • Pain and difficulty in swallowing and chewing food or speaking 
  • Unusual thick lesions on the gums
  • Loose teeth 
  • Continuous bad breath
  • White, red or unnatural dark patches on the gums that won’t budge 
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Lump or thickening of the gums
  • Swelling and pain in the jaws
  • Unintended drastic weight loss 

Diagnosis And Treatment

If you notice any of the above-mentioned manifestations, do get checked by an orthodontist right away. In case, the symptoms are more unusual than gingivitis, then consult a specialized doctor as he or she will usually conduct an oral cancer screening exam by physically touching the lump or sore or patchy irritated skin on the gum, acknowledging the patient’s individual and family medical history and conduct a few diagnostics:

  • Imaging tests like X-rays, CT-scan, MRI-scan or PET-scan
  • Biopsy
  • Evaluation of speech and swallowing practices 


Just like any other form of carcinoma, Gum cancer is usually treated depending upon the type, location and particular stage of cancer to bestow the person with a better life. The available treatment options usually involve

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Palliative care 

Preventive Measures

While there isn’t any foolproof way to prevent any type of cancer, still by following a few simple lifestyle modifications, one can diminish the risk of getting Gum cancer. These preventive measures include:

  • Quit smoking, or consuming tobacco in any form 
  • Stop drinking betel juice liquid
  • Limit and gradually stop intaking alcohol
  • Get routine dental check-ups
  • Get immunized against HPV by taking timely vaccines
  • Avoid excessive exposure to sun rays or use proper sun protectants or coveralls before stepping out