Our skin goes through a lot of changes during summer. Hot sun rays, UV radiation harm skin causing acne, blemishes, severe tan, wrinkles. Continuous exposure to UV rays can also lead to skin cancer.

Dermatologists recommend applying sunscreens with a minimum of SPF30 and the market is flooded with very good sunscreens. But, do you know applying store bought sunscreen on top of natural homemade sunscreens remarkably improves its effectiveness by providing a double layer of protection.

Homemade sunscreens are easy to make with ingredients like sandalwood, sesame oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, Aloe Vera etc.

Homemade Sunscreens

Aloe Vera, Sun Flower Oil Sunscreen


1 tsp Aloe Vera gel

½ tsp sunflower oil

¼ cup water

3-4 tsp zinc oxide


Blend in all the ingredients well to make a fine paste and apply this mixture over the face.

How It Works

Aloe Vera is loaded with antioxidants and it leaves a moist and cooling effect on the face. It shields skin from harmful UV rays, sun burns. The goodness of vitamin E, beta-carotene and antioxidants in sunflower oil protect the skin from sun damage and reduce sun sensitivity.

Coconut And Sesame Oil Sunscreen


2 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp sesame oil

2 tbsp sunflower oil


Add all three oils in a bowl and double boil in a pan filled with water to blend these oils well. Allow it to cool and apply this natural sunscreen over the face.

How It Works

Coconut oil is the best sunscreen that contains natural SPF. It is loaded with antioxidants which guards the skin form sun damage. Pure sesame oil has antibacterial effects that protects the skin form harmful pathogens.

Homemade Sunscreens

Turmeric, Aloe Vera Sunscreen


½ tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp Aloe Vera gel


Mix Aloe Vera gel and turmeric powder and freeze it in ice cubes. Rub the turmeric ice cubes on the skin and let it dry.

How It Works

Turmeric and Aloe Vera sunscreen is a perfect natural remedy which protects your skin from bacteria caused by excess sweat in summer months. The strong antiseptic properties of turmeric and cool Aloe Vera gel work as amazing natural sunscreens.

Hop on to www.netmeds.com for all your skin care essentials, a big value for your money.