Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old holistic form of healing practice that foretells us that the optimal functioning of the human body chiefly relies on the type of Dhatus, Gunas, Malas, Agni and Doshas they are made of. Depending upon the type of energy or gunas present in the body, human beings are categorized into three main body types; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each of these doshas or humour has its own unique set of physical and psychological features and is directly related to an individual’s health. When the predominant Dosha is in sync with the organs, they foster health and well-being but when out of balance, they ultimately lead to the depreciation of the various systems of the body causing diseases. And one such amazing herbal concoction that remedies all sorts of Vata troubles in the body and keeps them at normal levels is Shatavari Guggul.

 What Is Shatavari Guggul?

Shatavaru guggul is a type of ayurvedic proprietary medication having Shatavari as the primary ingredient. This preparation is generally used for ameliorating the irregular Vata Doshas, enhancing the neuromuscular functions, revitalizing the nerves, fortifying the muscles, and treating certain conditions like paralysis, myalgia, hemiplegia etc.
shatavari guggul

 How To Prepare Shatavari Guggul?


1 part each of:

Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus      

Giloy (Guduchi) – Tinospora cordifolia

Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) – Withania somnifera

Padmaka (Padmakh) – Prunus cerasoides   

Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper longum

Gandha Prasarini – Paederia foetida

Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris  

Saunf (Fennel Seeds) – Foeniculum vulgare

Ajwain (Carom Seeds) – Trachyspermum ammi

Sonth (dried ginger) - Zingiber officinale

Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata

Kachur (Zedoary) – Curcuma zedoaria

12 Parts Shuddha Guggulu -  Commiphora wightii

Cow’s Ghee (according to requirement)


Wash, sundry and powder all the components

Now take some ghee and guggul in a mortar

Use the pestle to pulverize the mixture into a fine powder

Now, add the remaining ingredients one by one along with the addition of ghee in the mortar while continuously grinding

Keep grinding everything until a semisolid consistency is attained

Take some ghee in your palm and roll the guggul indo Vatakam or laddoos

Store them in glass jars like a cool dry place for later application 

Medicinal Properties Of Shatavari Guggul

Shatavari Guggul is bestowed with the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Anti-gout
  • Pruritic
  • Anti-paralytic
  • Anti-epileptic
  • Anti-stress
  • Antioxidant
  • Muscle-relaxant

 Ayurvedic Indications Of Shatavari Guggul

The holistic science of herbal remedies has extensively illustrated this herbal concoction time and gain in several ayurvedic scriptures and journals of Charaka Samhita, and Sarangadhar Samhita for various indications including:

  • Amavata (relieves arthritis)
  • Vranaropana (wound healing)
  • Dahahara (relieves burning sensation)
  • Balya (improves muscle strength)
  • Mamsagata Vata (relieves muscle pain and myalgia)
  • Snayuvitanan (treats sprains)
  • Abhigata (treats pain from trauma)
  • Vedana (treats body pain)
  • Sandhi shula (treats arthritis)
  • Kati prishtha shula (remedies pain arising in the lower back and spinal column)

Shatavari Guggul Benefits:

 Remedies Pain And Inflammation

Shatavari Guggul intrinsically possesses dominant analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities, which is extremely significant for lessening joint and muscle pain, thereby reducing the incidence of developing chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases arising due to Vata aggravation like rheumatoid arthritis, gout etc. Being a natural vasodilator, it is highly significant in relieving the pain ensuing due to muscle spasms, sore muscles, gout and various other arthritic woes. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the case of cervical lumbar, tennis elbow, spondylolisthesis, and ligament tear.

Also Read: What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Learn How To Deal With It

 Treats Paralytic Problems

Replete with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving traits, Shatavari Guggul plays an essential role in treating paralytic abnormalities. It usually works by increasing the recovery span and bodily functions. Prescribed intake of this herbal medicine is incredibly beneficial in the treatment and management of facial paralysis, hemiplegia and chronic cases of paralysis when taken as a supplement within a month of a paralytic attack. 

Treats Gout

The presence of powerful bioactive ingredients in this magical formulation exhibits strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and anti-gout qualities which plays a key part in lowering uric acid levels in the body. Additionally, the goodness of ghee and shuddha guggulu have a synergic impact in ameliorating pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the joints of patients suffering from gout and gouty arthritis.

 Also Read: Ayurveda For Gout: Excellent Natural Remedies To Lower Uric Acid And Ease Joint Pain 

Enhances Cognitive Abilities

Shatavari Guggul is a conventional remedy to improve the functioning of the brain owing to its neural qualities. Being abundant in antioxidants, this powerful formulation promotes neural pathway efficiencies and extensively helps to enhance the memory capacity, concentration, intuitiveness, calmness, and alertness of an individual. Several scientific studies cite that people consuming prescribed dosages of Shatavari Guggul trigger the elimination of free radicals from the body, thus improving memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. Additionally, its memory-enhancing traits also reduce the incidence of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, dementia etc. 

Relieves Muscle Pain

Often owing to over-exercise, prolonged duration of sitting or lying down, and performing a new physical activity for the first time, sprains or strains may ultimately cause muscle pain and stiffness. Being abundant in anti-inflammatory traits, Shatavari Guggul has been used for a long time to remedy the pain arising from muscle pain and cramps. Prescribed intake of this herbal medication can deliver immense relief from any kind of body pain and myalgia.

Shatavari Guggul Dosage

The remedial dosage of Shatavari Guggul usually varies from one person to another based on age, body strength, effects on appetite or digestive fire, severity, and condition of the patient. One should consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner as he or she would evaluate the patient’s indications, medical history and prescribe the effective dosage.

Adults: 1 -2 Vatakams, twice a day, infused with equal amounts of water or lukewarm milk on an empty stomach, either 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a full meal.

 Shatavari Guggul Side-Effects

While Shatavari as a whole is highly essential in treating umpteen health conditions, it is still suggested to consume it in prescribed amounts. Shatavari guggul contains Shatavari, Gokshura, and Saunf, hence an excess of it may cause heartburn, burning sensation, restlessness, vertigo and excess heat in the body in people suffering from Pitta aggravation. In such cases, Shatavari guggul should not be taken until all the symptoms of Pitta imbalance subside.

Shatavari Guggul Precautions

Without the presence of credible information regarding the use of Shatavari Guggulu in pregnancy and lactation, it is strictly advised for both pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to avoid consuming it without consulting with their treating doctors.


Since ancient times, Shatavari guggul has been depicted in several Ayurvedic scriptures as an ultimate remedy for numerous curative uses. This incredible medicinal remedy is categorized as a Vata-pacifier and helps in providing intense relief from painful, inflammatory joints and arthritis pain. It is extensively used for the treatment of hemiplegia, paralysis, neural problems etc.