Shatavari often referred as Queen of Herbs is extensively used in treating both male and female for boosting libido, restoring hormonal balance, treating various issues related to infertility and promoting gut health.

Shatavari boosts hormone

According to Ayurveda, the name of this adaptogen herb ‘Shatavari’ loosely translates to ‘the lady with hundred husbands’ for its numerous medical benefits be it for an immunomodulator, diuretic, aphrodisiac, promoting breast milk, antibacterial besides its digestive and antioxidant properties. 

The small plant with needle like leaves with tiny white flowers belong to the family of asparagus. The mention of Shatavari is also found in the traditional Chinese, Tibetan and Islamic medical literatures.

The Benefits of Shatavari:

The Stress Support: Shatavari works wonders for those women under constant stress and suffering from infertility issues related to it. Its adaptogenic properties play a crucial role in protecting the body from stress both in men and women.

Reproductive Health: Shatavari is known for supporting the female reproductive system at every stage of life. An estrogen regulator it helps in preventing irregular menstrual cycle, managing premenstrual syndrome, treating menstrual cramps and alleviates uncomfortable bloating during periods.

Safeguard from Miscarriages: Shatavari is a true blessing for those suffering from miscarriages. The saponins in this wonder herb are known for their anti-oxytocin effect that in turn reduce uterine contractions.

The Immunomodulator: It is very helpful for those facing immune-related fertility issues. Shatavari is known for supporting autoimmune fertility issues by regulating immunological function.

Adhesion Healer: Research studies reveal that Shatavari increases phagocytic activity of macrophages that help in reducing intraperitoneal adhesions. Regular use of Shatavari in prescribed in dosage will help women suffering from endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and after effects of a cesarean surgery.

For Lactation: Shatavari is also prescribed for the new mothers for its great lactation properties. It is known for promoting prolactin in turn boosting milk production. Women suffering from endocrine disorders like hyperprolactinemia or higher prolactin are advised to stay away from this herb.

Gut Cleanser: It is also known for promoting gut health by increasing the activity of digestive enzymes like lipase and amylase. While lipase aids in digesting the fat, amylase helps with carbohydrates. It also normalizes the motility of the intestines and promotes gastric emptying besides treating abnormal intestinal contractions and managing gastric ulcers.