World Lupus Day is commemorated on May 10 worldwide every year to raise awareness among the populace about this serious life-threatening condition. This healthcare event calls for detailed understanding and support for the person who has been affected by this autoimmune disease. Further, the health campaign also calls on those affected and unaffected to join hands and get actively involved to combat this unpredictable and misunderstood disease. On this health day government, non-government organizations, international organizations, communities, and healthcare professionals gather together to work for action to promote understanding of the disease, so that people across the globe can learn more about this debilitating condition and take stringent action to fight it.

Lupus is an inflammatory/ autoimmune disease that develops when the immune system attacks its own healthy tissues and organs. Inflammation caused by this may impact several body organs such as the skin, kidneys, brain, blood cells, lungs, heart and joints.  Lupus disorder is of 4 different types including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), drug-induced lupus, and neonatal lupus, where SLE is the most common.  Lupus is generally described as an “invisible disease” condition, as symptoms vary and mimic other medical conditions like fever, joint pain, skin rashes and kidney, heart, lungs and brain problems resulting in misdiagnosis. But the key specification of this condition is the appearance of facial rash that looks like the wings of a butterfly.

Also Read World Lupus Day: Know About The Various Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Options Of This Auto-Immune Disease

The theme for this year’s World Lupus Day (purple day) is “Make Lupus Visible” which intends to raise public awareness about lupus diagnosis and its social, economic and psychological impacts. This health campaign is also urging the WHO to consider lupus as one of the international health priorities.
Lupus Day

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Significance Of World Lupus Day (WLD)

This autoimmune condition affects anyone and is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 44 years, however, women are more affected than men. This is owing to the increased secretion of estrogen hormones, as estrogen is known as an immune system modulator that influences cytokine production and plays a crucial role in lupus pathogenesis.

Reports reveal that at least 5 million people are affected by lupus globally, where 3.4 (58%) are affected by SLE. The estimated prevalence is 43.7 per 1,00,000 people. This complex, life-devastating ailment can be fatal, nevertheless, public awareness of the condition is very low. Further patients suffering from SLE mostly under reveal their symptoms to their rheumatologist, as they do not link their symptoms to the condition. Fatigue, joint pains, muscle ache and light sensitivity are the most common symptoms reported by SLE patients.

Lupus can be effectively controlled by prompt detection and proper medical care, which can further lessen the risk of organ damage. On this health day let’s take the pledge of creating awareness about the condition among local people, and healthcare governing bodies, stress the disease severity, allocate funds to in-depth research activities and offer mental support for all affected people and their families.

Also Read: Symptom that will help to identify Lupus

Read this article to know more about ways to prevent flare-ups of lupus.

Preventive Measures

There are certain preventive measures that one can take to mitigate the flare-up and severity of symptoms.

Reduce Environmental Exposure

There are certain environmental triggers that can up your risk of developing lupus such as UV rays exposure, smoking, and exposure to silica dust in the workplace like those found in cleaning powders, soil, pottery materials and cement. To lessen the triggers follow these steps:

Shield Your Skin: It is advised to limit your exposure to the sun and UV rays. Always stand in shaded areas when outdoors, wear sun-guarding clothing like a long-shelved shirt, sunglasses and hats, and always apply sunscreen with a greater sun protection factor (SPF) of 55 while going out. Replace all fluorescent, compact fluorescent and halogen bulbs at home or workplace with LED or incandescent bulbs.

Quit Smoking: Smoking cigarettes can greatly trigger lupus flare-ups. Try to quit smoking or get help from your physician about ways to lessen tobacco intake. Also stay away from people who smoke, as second-hand smoke can trigger a flare-up.

Avoid Exposure To Toxins: Choose household essentials that do not contain silica dust. Stay in a well-ventilated region and environment that is pollution free.

Dietary Management

Nutrition and dietary choices play a major role in the development of lupus. Medical experts suggest that having foods like fatty fish, olive oil and boiled vegetables can immensely lessen and soothe the symptoms of this inflammatory condition. Also, drinking coffee has been shown to decrease disease action in lupus and even lower cytokine levels (proteins in the immune system that are vital for cell signalling.

Though there’s no fixed diet regimen, however, it is crucial to maintain a well-balanced diet comprising fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Manage Stress

A bad emotional condition or emotional stress can flare up the onset of several chronic conditions, including lupus. Take breaks in between a hectic day to avert physical exhaustion, practice deep breathing exercises, maintain a journal, practice yoga or meditation and pamper yourself with spa or listen to soothing playlists of your choice.